Compression Transfer syntax map

  • Is there a list of the various compression methods that also includes the associated Transfer Syntax used. In the manual there is a list that lists the various schemes (shortened list as example below):
    AS (as is) * n/a as it would use the original transfer syntax.
    IS (as is) * n/a as it would use the original transfer syntax.
    UN (uncompress) *implicit/explicit big/little not defined - unsure what transfer syntax would be used.
    J2 (jpeglosslessNH14) * two transfer syntax's could fit this name 1.2.840.10008. and 1.2.840.10008. according to
    JK (Lossless JPEG2000) * would this be 1.2.840.10008.

    I'm having trouble figuring out what DICOM transfer syntax (DICOM tag 0002,0010) resulting files will wind up having.

    My current issue is that I used J2 and expected transfer syntax 1.2.840.10008., however the resulting files are 1.2.840.10008. These files are cause a weird issue with my rather finicky DVD burning solution. This solution accepts transfer syntax 4.57, however the included viewer only supports 4.70. Is there a way to force J2 to use transfer syntax 4.70 and/or another compression short-name to use that will result in using 4.70 as the transfer syntax?

  • Hi,

    jpeg using .57 is hardcoded. I do not know the difference with .70, but you can try this:

    CompressionConverter0 = compression j2; set TransferSyntax to "1.2.840.10008."

    This would define compressor s0 as 1.2.840.10008.


  • This appears to still be encoding the same way (the file sizes are the same) but the new files have 1.2.840.10008. in dicom tag 0002,0010. There must a decent difference between the compression types because the viewer app on the burned disks is still unable to open the DICOM files. I normally publish disks by dropping DICOM files in the CD Robot's shared directory, but I played with a normal DICOM network transfer. It kept negotiating uncompressed DICOM, until I found and modified a text file of acceptable transfer syntax's. On a whim, I changed the order of the file (on the CD robot) putting 1.2.840.10008. at the top... my next DICOM transfer negotiated to J1

    Accepted compression: j1
    Sending file : C:\dicomserver\data\[removed due to technically being Identifiyable PHI].dcm
    [recompress]: recompressed with mode = j1 (strip=1)

    Resulting files were slightly larger in size, but viewable on my burned disk. They are identified as .70 compression. So J1 must be 1.2.840.10008., whereas J2 is 1.2.840.10008.

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