ExportConverter0 = save jpg won't make subfolders

  • I need to produce jpegs of significant images and want to store them in adhoc subfolders based on mrn :
    1) [This works]: ExportConverter0 = save jpg as D:\SigImages\%i%b.jpg
    2)[ Nothing happens at all]: when I change the "%i" to "%i\" i.e. ExportConverter0 = save jpg as D:\SigImages\%i\%b.jpg
    The Conquest server status window shows me a perfectly constructed folder path, e.g. D:\SigImages\1234567\0000.jpg but nothing at all gets created. Thoughts anyone?

  • Hi,

    I did (for Windows) something like the following example:

    ExportConverter0 = cmd /c mkdir "\dicomserver\data\jpeg\%v0010,0020\%V0010,0010\%V0008,0020" ; dcmj2pnm.exe +oj +Wn --scale-x-size 1024 %f "\data\jpeg\%i\%V0010,0010\%V0008,0020\%V0008,1030-%V0008,103E-%V0020,0011.jpeg"

    You need dcmj2pnm.exe (from the Offis tools) to be resident in the Conquest root.
    My experience is that the Offis tool creates better quality images than the native Conquest command.


  • Hi,

    the native script mkdir makes subdirectories.

    The jpeg conversion does not respect the level ^ window embedded in the header, so maybe that is why the quality is poorer. Something for the wishlist.


  • Many thanks, all! It looks like I was making a false assumption. When I read the documentation: "ExportConverterN may run a program using the following syntax (for example) ‘notepad %f’, where %f=filename, %m=modality, %s=stationname, ..." I assumed that I could use the same folder-making syntax that FileNameSyntax uses. A fortuitous misunderstanding because you've also given me a method for superior jpegs. Thanks again!

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