mysql connection error port 3306

  • Hi

    i have a problem with mysql database. Running stable for a long time, i do have lots of error messages in the last days. Main problem is
    20131010 09:55:14 ***Cannot connect to MySQL on port 3306
    20131010 09:55:14 ***MySQL Error message: Too many connections
    repeating hundreds of times. Kill and restart does resolve only for a few minutes.
    I tried to check for mysql database errors (mysql administrator), but seems to be o.k.

    Another annoying error message is e.g. the following
    20131010 09:54:08 Inconsistent SeriesTime in DICOMSeries: PatientID = '297626' SeriesInst = '1.2.840.113619.2.5.2147483647.24172316.131010094101.603' AND SeriesPat = '297626', Old='094746', New='094747'

    conquest version 1.4.17 alpha
    Thanks for any help

    Uli Barkow

  • Hi Uli,

    upon installation, conquest server sets these TCPIP parameters to fix a similar MySQL problem that I observed a few years ago under high load:

    MaxUserPort = 65534
    TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30

    Can you validate that these registry entries are still set?

    The Inconsistent SeriesTime only appears in pacstrouble.log does it?


  • Hi Marcel

    yes, Maxuserport is set to 65534 and TCPtimedwaitdelay to 30.

    System runs on windows 2003 server.

    yes, synchronisation error is part of pacstroublelog. Seems to be no serious, but i worry about performance when tons of those errors occur.


  • Hi Marcel

    another question, not worth to make a new topic.

    Is there a way to prevent conquest to delete a database entry, when the corresponding image is not found ?
    In case that one of the NFS-towers is disconnected by accident or for maintance reasons, conquest cannot find the requested image data and delets the database entry. This makes some work to restore the image in the database.

    Regarding the mysql connection error, i think this to be a corrupted mysql database file. I noticed, that dgate occupies continuously more and more space in the task manager (more than 100000k) until crash. After restoring a one week old backup of the mysql files everything returns to normal, as far as i can see yet.

    Thanks for your help.


  • synchronisation error part of pacstroublelog:

    This is a regular warning - correct image sets should have consistent series time over all images in the series. Performance will not be affected I think.


  • Is there a way to prevent conquest to delete a database entry:

    Can you tell me the situation that this happens and the exact text in the log? I thought this should only occur when virtualservers are defined. Which version are you on?


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