dicom forwarding feature to forward the last old study

  • We want to forward the last old study to some applications on the local Lan , so that we have the newest and the last old study on our viewing station client.(using 1.4.15 or updating to 1.4.16.)
    That would be a very nice work flow feature and should save network load.
    Is it possible to generate a script to do that?
    The script has to select the last date of the old patient images and the description of the series for
    example "BWS" or "CMRT" to compare and then forward the maching old study.

    Is it possible, and how parameters are necessary?

  • Hi,

    with lua scripting in 1.4.16rc4b you can query the studies that exist, sort them and run in lua "script('forward patient studyuid='..x)", where x is the studyuid of the last study. This should in theory allow you to achieve the requested operation, i.e., forward the incoming study and the last one. See my posts on lua.


  • Thank you for your answer.

    Is there any decription of the scriptlanguage, perhaps with examples to use ?

    May exist a manual of lua?

    With the existing examples you give in the conquest manual and forum, I am not
    really abel to dig my problem.

    Best regards


  • Hi,

    there is 'programming with lua' on the internet. The examples on forum are intended to be complete. You can play with print() to get started. That is how I dis it. All commands I added are in the lua post!

    Here are some ideas:

    in dicom.ini:
    ImportConverter0 = dofile('function.lua')

    in function.lua:
    b.PatientName = Data.PatientName;
    a=dicomquery('CONQUESTSRV1', 'STUDY', b);
    print (a[0].StudyDate, a[0].StudyInstanceUID);


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