Error occured while installation !

  • Hi All,

    I used Conquest dicom server 1.4.16beta version. I was going through manual to set of the exe in my system.
    Then i was in the configuration tab of the Conquest dicom server and did all the process regarding the manual.
    After that i hit the save configuration button it was showing a message :
    "Re-start the server (terminate active processes) " with ok and cancel button.

    when i was hit the ok button it was showing again one message :

    "The server is not running properly : no connection
    Probable cause : NT service failed to start (check account and password)"

    Could anyone tell me what is the problem behind this exe set of "Conquest dicom server 1.4.16beta version" or any other files might be missing.


  • Hi Marcel,
    Thank you for replying .

    I was selected database type : [ Microsoft SQL server (ODBC) ] from the exe combobox .

    My database Database is "Sql server 2005" . My database is working fine.

    Can you Please have a look into the below situation :

    when close the "Conquest DICOM server exe " and open it again it was showing a message like :

    "The server is not running properly - maybe the SQL server is not (yet) up
    [CONQUESTSRV1] DGATE (1.4.16beta, build Sun Sep 05 13:43:54 2010, bits 32) is running as threaded server"

    in the "Server Status" tab of the window.

    Could you tell me what is the problem behind this situation.

    kind Regards,

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