DICOM Server error

  • Dear Sirs!

    I have a problem with the Conquest Dicom Server in case retriving images. Our organization is using a software and an equpment of company Stephanix.
    I try to use the Conquest Dicom Server as an archive of radiological studies and images. The Stephanix's software to read names of the patients fine, but when I tried to retrive images from Dicom Server I had an error "Error while retriving images".
    I've tried to read logs of the Stephanix software and I saw the trace of errors:

    But if I use web-interface of Conquest Dicom Server I can find patient by id and to see the patient's X-Ray images!
    My question is: how can I debug and find the mistake in my configuration of Dicom Server? Any ideas?
    My dicom.ini

    Sorry for my probable lexical and syntax mistakes, English isn't my mother tongue.

  • Hi,

    To retrieve images, conquest needs to know the AE, ip and port of Stephanix. When a move operation is sent from Stephanix to conquest, conquest will start a new connection to the AE of Stephanix, of which it needs to know the port and IP. Please enter these in the 'known DICOM providers' page.


  • Hi, Marcel. Thank you for your answer.

    My acrnema.map

    I'll try to explain my problem again. We have a software which is named "Medradio". The software retrives images from a Stefanix's equipment well. And the software is sending the images on Conquest Dicom Server and the images are saving there. All works fine.
    The software has got a function "Archive". The function provides facility of retriving list of studies from a Dicom Server. And in this case I have a problem.
    The software get a list of studies well, I saw studies, dates of the studies and so on. But when I try to retive images from the Dicom Server, I saw the mistake which I've described earlier "Error while retriving images".
    Thank you in advance.

  • Hi, Marcel.
    Sure I can. Here is it.

    The lines were added in serverstatus.log after I had tried to retrieve image.

  • Hi, Marcel.
    Can I help you fixing? I can do some tests for you if you want.
    BTW, I forgot to mention when I installed the version 1.4.14, I had seen in server logs the error "Host 'rad_room' did not accept the connection". I changed 'rad_room' in Medradio settings on IP-address of client computer and the error dissapered after it and I could retrive images from Dicom Server. But on higher version of Dicom Server it didn't still work.

  • Hi,

    Indeed, you need to specify every client. In 1.4.14 the IP address could be the AE (rad_room) interpreted as hostname. This option is now only optional in 1.4.15 up:

    To enable it, add

    * * 104 un

    As last line to 'known' dicom provides. This will try yo map any unknown AE as hostname with port 104.


  • I've just upgraded from V 14 to 16 R4 with the latest patch. On the old server "SS-Sono1 104 un" works just fine. On the new server it will not and I've had to do "* * 104 un" above the SS-Sono1 line. If i put it below that line the workstation gets DICOM connection errors as it looks like Conquest reads the line and is unable to make the connection.

    I'm getting similar problems with incomming images from my sonogram machines. If I specifiy the name or IP Address it doesn't work, but if I put in a * in both location it does.

    Copy and Paste of my providers
    * * 104 un
    SS-Sono1 104 un

    Update: This was resolved by putting the * * 104 un at the end of the arrnema.map and then putting my providers at the top of the list. There were several items which weren't needed any longer and deleting them resolved the issue.

  • Hi,

    I am not sure what this is. Can you show me a debug log of the errors when they occur? Maybe the case of 'SS-Sono1' is incorrect and it worked because the machine itself is called 'SS-Sono1'.


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