A fatal error occurred (out of memory) - closing server

  • Hi all,
    I have a major problem with a file, which has to be forwarded. Somehow this is corrupt and is blocking the forward queue.
    Question: How can I block only this single file or how can I clear the forward queue? Is there any chance to check the files before they are processed?

    [3WARE2] Queue: retrying processing of file C:\dicomserver\0030446101\
    [3WARE2] ExportConverter0.0: forward C:\dicomserver\0030446101\ to 58conquest
    [3WARE2] ***VR:ReAlloc out of memory allocating 268374016 bytes
    [3WARE2] ***A fatal error occurred (out of memory) - closing server

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    which version are you running? I believe version 1.4.15 should be more resistant to crashes on corrupt files. You can just try to replace the dgate.exe (backup the old one). The problem occurs because the dicom file reader gets out of sync and reads data as item length. The very long length it finds cannot be allocated, and there it crashes. In 1.4.15 items are checked more thoroughly and the file will likely give another error before this one.


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