Help I cant Query

  • I loaded KPacs on a win 2003 standard, the system seems to start fine and KPServer is running,
    I checked the AET on all modalities and I can echo both ways.
    However when I try to query KPacs from any system I get an error saying either that Kpacs does not allow query or that there is an assosiation error.
    Please help I am in a bit of a jam, I told this person I could have them up by Friday (tomorrow).

  • Sorry, K-PACS Server is only a StoreSCP not a Q/RSCP, so you will not be able to query it.
    One should use a server application like CONQUEST (freeware: between K-PACS workstations and modalities. The modalities send to Conquest and the K-PACS workstations query/retrieve from this server. Conquest can run on the same computer like K-PACS but you have to make shure that they don't share the same Port.
    Q/R SCP is currently in developement but might become a commercial feature only.


  • I have used conquest in the past and have found it to be unstable once the image count reaches and passes 100,000.
    I know conquest is not your software but by any chance have you tested the ability to store say one million plus images been improved? I have not used Conquest in about 2 years so the software may be improved, or maybe some one has found a way to use MySQL.
    Any help would be great.
    P.S. I am very excited about your new software, and once the ability to auto forward and to query has been added I would love to purchase a few copies, do you have a mailing list I can be added to so I cant get updates on your dev\project?
    Thanks for the quick responce and any future responces...

  • We're having a CONQUEST server with a DBASEIII Database running on a 2Ghz Celeron, 1 Gig RAM and three 350 GB IDE harddrives (RAID 1) that currently holds about 20000 CT/MR studies (approx 1.2 million images). Up to now I did not find many problems, not even performance issues. The version is 1.4.9

    I also know how to connect CONQUEST to a MySQL database. One of the K-PACS users was so kind to advice me on the issue. If you are interested I can send you a description.


    Ps.: as long as you are a registered forum user you will receive our newsletter about K-PACS and iQ-View

  • Thanks again for the responce, I have installed conquest and it seems to have changed a bit, still crazy to configure the auto functions but I guess if im looking to query I dont need to auto forward to K-Pacs haha (see how you got me headed down a whole new path, Im so A.D.D.)

    Thanks for your help again I think this will resolve the issue at hand.

  • I am running dicomconquest 1.4.9a with mysql 5.0 and k-pacs and its running stable and easy to configuere and to rebuild in case of crash.
    Even the emplementing of older dicom studies is very easy.
    meanwhile conquest comes with a worklist, a nice feature.
    Anyway, you can run conquest with MSSql2000, then you don t have any problems with your database, if you are willing to shoot round about 500-600 ?. I don t know the exactly price. Anyway you will not get any cheaper system for storing your images, ideal for a small or medium sized privat practice or even a small hospital.
    The systems I ve compared at the level of 20.000-30.000 are not that much better, otherwise you should look at the pacs community in auntminnie.

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