Receiving Dicom measurement data

  • Hello Dicom friends,

    I have started to use Conquest Server and I receive image data from my modality (ultrasound Kretztechnik V730) without any problem.
    But I would like to get measurement data as well from it.

    I tried to analyze data that I received and I didn't find anything.
    Could it be a problem of the modality (not sending the data) or the server (not receiving/storing)? Is it possible to get those data?

    Thank you for every answer!

    Greetings from Czech Republic,

    Martin Höger

  • Hi Martin,

    try to send one packet of measurement data, and see in the log which
    presentation contexts are proposed. If there are one or more that are
    not in dgatesop.lst, you can add them there to enable conquest to
    recieve more data. Conquest can in principle receive any dicom data if
    enabled to do so.


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