How to remotely change patient attributes?

  • Hi,

    I have met a problem and hope to get your help.

    I used "storescu.exe" to send some DICOM files to an ConQuest server. In the server side, I can see the patient attributes and the image frames for each DICOM file received.

    Now, I want to remotely change/update those patient attributes (e.g. the patient name, sex) from the client side. I hope to do this without sending the image data nor adding new studies in the server. Anyone has a good idea for this?


  • Hi,

    you can use dgate -- commands such as dgate --modifyimage: from another location (the web interface does this), but the support is incomplete: only the CGI interface sets the destination adress. Also beware that dgate --modifyimage is broken up to the next update (soon).


  • Marcel, how do I incorporate this into my scripts? I tried inserting it into my working script below, but it does not work. Thanks! -Scott

    dgate -P5678 -Q10.1.1.250 --display_status "--imagelister:local|%1||%%s" >changeme.txt
    FOR /F %%A IN (changeme1.txt) DO dgate --modifypatid:%2,%%A
    del changeme.txt

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