Disk cleanup with database NULL driver

  • Conquest server (1.4.15) is used to route DICOM files to some storage using ExportConverter. So SQLServer parameter in "dicom.ini" is empty. Cleanup settings are set in GUI and GUI is always running.
    Some day Conquest says: "I/O error 32" (32 means ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process). But Windows says: "Low Disk Space" and it is real.
    So, Is it possible to Conquest to cleanup disks when not real DB is set or it is necessary to use some external tools?

  • Hi,

    the cleanup process uses the database to find the oldest images, so no luck there with a NULL database..... You should look into the delete options of the import and export converters to make the system cleanup after itself.


  • It looks as Conquest anyway try to care about disk space, because GUI still can show that information. So, may be exists some event that can be raised in this case or any other events that fires on error occurrence?

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