Posts by GlFox

    Conquest server (1.4.15) is used to route DICOM files to some storage using ExportConverter. So SQLServer parameter in "dicom.ini" is empty. Cleanup settings are set in GUI and GUI is always running.
    Some day Conquest says: "I/O error 32" (32 means ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process). But Windows says: "Low Disk Space" and it is real.
    So, Is it possible to Conquest to cleanup disks when not real DB is set or it is necessary to use some external tools?

    I have installed ConQuest server using MySQL (native). All works fine.
    When I recompiled server from sources (v 1.4.14) using Visual C++ 7.1 and replace dgate.exe it failed to start...
    from PacsTrouble.log:

    Oops, why ODBC? Trying to resolve problem...
    from installation.log:

    Apropos, size of new complied exe-file is much smaller - 656KB vs 1416KB (original)
    It's seems like not all source codes are valid.

    Quote from marcelvanherk

    all files should be included in the package. I suggest to start from, maybe xvgifwr is missing in . Do NOT to load modules from elsewhere. For instance, the xvgifwr that we use is modified..... It is also included in

    Yes, yes, yes... My mistake (or not only my ;)... In "total.cxx" we have: #include "xvgifwr.c". But in "": "xvgifwr.cpp". Just other extension.

    I trying to compile dgate using MS Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 + MS Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2 + DCMTK 3.5.4. But it seems that there are some problems in makefile from Source files compiled but linker failed.
    I didn't try yet example from TOTAL.CXX file. If all my attemps will not be successful your help will be very welcome.
    So, I'll be glad to help to improve this great software. And my e-mail is GlFox.LIS(a)

    Compile using TOTAL.CXX...
    Needed XV (#include "xvgifwr.c" in total.cxx). Ok, get it...
    Now needed X11 (#include <X11/...> in xv.h)... What package need to download?

    Thank you very much for advices...
    From worklist query we need AETITLE, may be something else... I don't really know now. It seems that information can be unnecessary. But event is really needed.
    So, it was expected that source code correction is needed. Although we running Windows (not Linux) I hope your solution will be acceptable.
    And one question more... Is planned something like this event in the future releases of ConQuest?

    Is it possible to catch some event in external application when Conquest server received incoming Modality Worklist query? It's needed to update Worklist table when the DICOM device requesting MWL but before Conquest server returned result. I not found any way to do this in 1.4.14.
    Thanking you in anticipation...