Querying a MySQL database and then forward

  • Hi,
    I have a list of patients that are scattered across 5 conquest servers. All these conquest servers are running MySql as the database.
    I want to be able to copy all those patients from all those conquest server into a new one that I would like to create strictly for those patients.

    How do I invoke such an action. I mean the data is already sitting there, I can't think of a way how ExportConverters can be used in this instance.

    I have the list in a mysql table, so I easily queried those patients from the conquest servers. How do I trigger the move?
    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi Marcel,
    I found another thread where you answered a question similar to mine and I tried executing the sql statement below but I am not sure what I am doing wrong, or if I am placing my quotes properly. Mainly because I don't understand the syntax fully. What I am showing below is the output of the msql query. It doesn't do anything .
    Just to be sure, I ran the dgate command with those AE titles as they appear in the sql statement and with at least one of the patientID's in that list and it worked fine. I just want to be able to do it via the query. Your help is greatly appreciated.
    As a side note, I will be doing a little more complicated query with left joins between two tables. The one below was just a test.

    mysql> select 'dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS', PatientID, ':','"' from convct10.dicompatients limit 0,10;

    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | PatientID | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 0009703828 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10001538 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10055026 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10083937 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10103716 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10114688 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10134253 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10190846 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10256630 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10356443 | : | " |
    10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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