Posts by nuccerz

    Hi Marcel,
    I found another thread where you answered a question similar to mine and I tried executing the sql statement below but I am not sure what I am doing wrong, or if I am placing my quotes properly. Mainly because I don't understand the syntax fully. What I am showing below is the output of the msql query. It doesn't do anything .
    Just to be sure, I ran the dgate command with those AE titles as they appear in the sql statement and with at least one of the patientID's in that list and it worked fine. I just want to be able to do it via the query. Your help is greatly appreciated.
    As a side note, I will be doing a little more complicated query with left joins between two tables. The one below was just a test.

    mysql> select 'dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS', PatientID, ':','"' from convct10.dicompatients limit 0,10;

    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | PatientID | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 0009703828 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10001538 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10055026 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10083937 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10103716 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10114688 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10134253 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10190846 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10256630 | : | " |
    | dgate "--movestudy:VCT10,FIXEDREPOS, | 10356443 | : | " |
    10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    I have a list of patients that are scattered across 5 conquest servers. All these conquest servers are running MySql as the database.
    I want to be able to copy all those patients from all those conquest server into a new one that I would like to create strictly for those patients.

    How do I invoke such an action. I mean the data is already sitting there, I can't think of a way how ExportConverters can be used in this instance.

    I have the list in a mysql table, so I easily queried those patients from the conquest servers. How do I trigger the move?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi, thanks for the reply.
    The only option that I feel I can dabble with is option 2) since I have used export converters before.
    The only problem I can see, is that my export converters are invoked only when the conquest server on which I have them running receive a certain study.
    So my question is how can I get the export converter on a whole bunch of patient folders residing in a directory.

    I have a directory that contains patient folders each of which containing CT and NM data.
    I want to grab strictly the NM data and forward them to another conquest server.
    I have over 2000 patients. How can I automate such a request.
    See, I am thinking I have to write an Export Converter filter, but I don't know how to make it recursively grab the NM data and send it to the desired destination.
    Thank you.

    I noticed this topic has been discussed before. But the only thing I learned from it is to set the debuglevel to 4 and I received the following errors under the server status tab:

    [SARCH] UPACS THREAD 72431: STARTED AT: Fri Sep 28 15:50:12 2007
    [SARCH] A-ASSOCIATE-RQ Packet Dump
    [SARCH] Calling Application Title : "A_SSC "
    [SARCH] Called Application Title : "SARCH "
    [SARCH] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008."
    [SARCH] Number of Proposed Presentation Contexts: 1
    [SARCH] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008."
    [SARCH] Server Command := 0001
    [SARCH] FreeStore Left 835201 on E:\
    [SARCH] ***Failed SQLExecDirect : INSERT INTO DICOMStudies (StudyInsta, StudyDate, StudyTime, StudyID, StudyDescr, AccessionN, StudyModal, StationNam, PatientNam, PatientBir, PatientSex, PatientID, AccessTime) VALUES ('1.2.752.', '20031204', '084558', '########20031204', 'CVS', '########20031204', 'NM', 'server1', '*****^*****', '192605197O', 'O', '########', 1191008992)
    [SARCH] ***Error: 1406: S1000: [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.0.45-community-nt]Data too long for column 'PatientBir' at row 1
    [SARCH] ***Unable to DB.Add()
    [SARCH] ***SQL: INSERT INTO DICOMStudies (StudyInsta, StudyDate, StudyTime, StudyID, StudyDescr, AccessionN, StudyModal, StationNam, PatientNam, PatientBir, PatientSex, PatientID, AccessTime) VALUES ('1.2.752.', '20031204', '084558', '########20031204', 'CVS', '########20031204', 'NM', 'hserver1', '****^******', '192605197O', 'O', '########', 1191008992)
    [SARCH] ***Error: 1406: S1000: [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-5.0.45-community-nt]Data too long for column 'PatientBir' at row 1
    [SARCH] ***Error saving to SQL: 10153385\1.2.752.
    [SARCH] UPACS THREAD 72431: ENDED AT: Fri Sep 28 15:50:12 2007

    I looked at the value contained "Patient DOB" from the Calling station (the source) and it looks like a normal Date of birth. It had the date "26:06:1971". But in the SQL statement above it has the value "192605197O".
    I don't understand the discrepancy.
    Also, I created another Conquest server with a blank repository and this problem did not exist.
    What could be causing this problem. Thank you.

    PS: I changed any confidential information to "*" or "#".

    I just regenerated the device using the "Regen Single Device" command. Normally, there's a message at the end of the operation which says "Regeneration Complete" or something to that effect.

    I haven't seen that message yet and it's been a few minutes since there was any change in the "Maintenance console". Meaning nothing is flashing by.
    When can I assume that it's done ?

    The first thing I checked is that the mysql server is running.

    But the behaviour of Conquest with MySQL seems to be so unpredictable to me.

    I now, have the server running perfectly fine. The problem does persist however.

    I went to install a second conquest server and it is acting up again.

    First thing I do, is I configure a connection in the MySQL ODBC administrator and I test that it works, which means that the database and the priviliges for its user are set properly.

    Then after extracting the dicomserver1412c into a new directory I launch the ConquestDICOMServer.exe and select the SQL server as my database. After I click "Save Configuration", I noticed that it takes a long time for it to save.

    In the next tab, testing TCP/IP breezes by, but then the problem is usually the second tab: Make ODBC data source.

    Firstly, I get a confirmation box that I want to update the ODBC data source to which I select "Yes", then it asks for the SQL server name where I usually type "localhost".
    Then it asks for the database name and I supply it with that.

    Now this is where my dilemma is.
    The very few times I did it and it worked, I used to give it the name of the database and it would come back with an error, because the SQL server name and the username and password in the dicom.ini file are different than the ones I set up. So I go and edit the dicom.ini file and then click on the button "Make ODBC data source" again and it worked fine.

    But now, it just hangs. I don't know if I stumbled on a bug or that I am doing something wrong but am not aware of it.

    Whoever reads all this is a real trooper and I salute you for it. :)


    I have a conquest1412c running MySQL on a windows 2003 server.
    It was working fine. I shut it down, moved the computer(just its physical location, connection is still the same) and then restarted conquest, but it wouldn't start.
    It hangs at the message :

    The server is not running properly - maybe the SQL server is not (yet) up

    then it follows it by the message

    ***Restarted dead server after error 12

    The only thing that I did is shut down the server. No change in configuration.

    I also tried setting up a brand new dicomserver just in case that might solve it. But I get to the second tab and I click on the button "Make ODBC data source" and it hangs for a long time.
    When I did it before, even if the information I provided in the dicom.ini is incorrect it would come back with an error immediately, after which if I click on the button the next time, it just flashes a successful message.

    I am starting to think that the shutting down of the 2003 server had done something.

    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance.[/i]

    I am running Conquest version 1.4.12c. ON a windows 2003 Server, using MySQL as the database engine.

    This is the first time I notice the following behaviour:
    When I go to delete a patient.
    It does remove it from the patient browser and it immediately gives the following error:

    "Access violation at address ##### in module 'MSDART.dll'. Read of address 0000000..."

    When I try to anonymize a study and I don't enter a patient ID , Conquest comes back with an error message about Access violation, that can only go away if you stop the Conquest application through the task manager.
    I realize the necessity to always have a patient ID even for anonymous data, but I just thought that may be the interface will look a little cleaner if input verification was done before the error gets generated.
    You probably know about that already and it's not high on your priority list.
    Don't mind me. I have good intentions :) . I love your software.

    So as I said last time and save a lot of you the trouble of trying to help me with my installation troubles :) , the MySQL installation worked fine.
    But when I went to the tab "Browse databas", it always kept giving the message "Image file not found".
    I tried sending to another existent and running Conquest server, and that never worked.

    The error message I get in the "Server Status" tab is:
    [CONQUESTST] ***Could not find file:115989091.2.840.113619.

    Connectivity issues are not a problem of course, the only thing I found wrong is the table headers in the MySQL database have been cut off.
    So for example in table dicomimages the primary key reads "SOPInstanc".
    It seems that all headers have been capped at 10 characters.
    I am not sure if this is causing my aforementioned problem. But it certainly is a problem. The database cannot be queried with those kinds of headers.
    How can I allow a larger set of characters to accommodate for longer table headers.

    Thank you.

    What I did this time is I went to the dicom.ini file and hit enter after the username, so the cursor jumped to the second line.
    I did the same with the password and that worked.
    I guess, it was lacking the eol character.

    I have wamp installed on my system.
    I am trying to get conquest running with mysql. I have many conquest installations running with the dbaseIII so I have had some success with the installation.
    Now I tested the connection to the MySQL server using the ODBC using either of the two users which I granted access to the conquest database (including root) and that works fine.

    My troubles start on the second tab of the installation, where I click on the button "Make ODBC Data Source".

    The first alert message I get reads as follows (verbatim):
    "Update the ODBC data source (replaces any manual ODBC configuration of the conquestPacs_s datasource)?"

    to this I click "Yes".

    Another pop-up appears asking about the Server : I type "localhost" and click OK

    The third pop-up reads "Database name" where I enter "conquest".

    It thinks for a minute and comes back with the error message in a pop-up:
    "The server is not running properly: association rejected.
    Probable cause : database is not accessible".

    In dicom.ini , I have the username and password for the user that's allowed to log in to the database "conquest".

    I am not sure what I am missing.

    Your help is greatly appreciated.