move local disk directory

  • Hi!

    I need to move all images to a new storage due to server change. I copeid the dicomserver directory to an USB-disk and entered the new path in "Local disk directory to store DICOM images:" I've also done e (Re)-initialize database. Obviously, that wasn't enough. What else do I have to do to commit the change?

    It's called "local disk directory". Does that mean that I can't have the images stored at a network folder?


  • Hi,

    there is no need to regenerate. You can best manualy change paths in dicom.ini (stop server, edit, start server). And files can be stored on a network drive as well (we do this all the time), that can be refered to as \\server\disk\dir\ or drive:dir\. Beware that the traling backslah is needed!


  • Thank you!

    I didn't find a "stop server" button anywhere, but "kill and restart server" worked fine after editing the dicom.ini file.
    What else, except for the data directory, in my case S:\dicomserver\data\ (S:\ is a maped network drive), do I have to move? Can I leave the rest of the \dicomserver?
    Can I have more than one server on the same computer? In that case, what else do I need to change than the AE title?

    I've been running this program now for about a year, and I must say that it is a fantastic program. I havn't lost any data, it has never stoped working, it just runs and runs and runs and... We have other DICOM servers in my organisation, but no one have had such a good uptime with almost no maintenance!!!


  • Hi,

    Thanks ;->>>

    just close the GUI to stop it. The GUI keeps a copy of dicom.ini. Thus, if you edit dicom.ini manualy, and then would save settings from the GUI you lose your manual changes.


  • Ok! And what files do I need to have in the "data" directory, except for the data folder (if any)? The zipped log files for instance... Any other settings file? And, can I have two instances of Conquest at the same computer, if I put them in different directories with different AE-titles?



  • Hi,

    there have to be 2 data directories, 2 databases and 2 dicom.ini files. Typically, therefore the two servers have identical directories with all exe files etc. If your database is dbaseIII or SQLite, the database file(s) are typically stored in a data/dbase folder that could be moved with the data, but that is up to you, as it is configured independently in dicom.ini. There is also a folder printer_files, that is used for printing and temporary files. It is always attached to the MAG0 (data) directory.

    The zipped log files are just kept for your sake. They are never read by the software. So you can delete hem or save them anywhere.

    Multiple instances may be futher identical except for the PORT number, and the AE title.


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