• Estimados

    Primero que nada felicitarlos por toda la tarea realizada con el Conquest...
    Mi consulta es como se configura el worklist para que los pacientes sean enviados desde el servidor Conquest a un resonador o scanner, existe algún formato de archivo???

    Saludos Cordiales

  • Dear

    First of all congratulate all of the work done with the Conquest ...
    My query is how you configure the worklist so that patients are sent from the server to a resonator Conquest or scanner, there is a file format?

    Best regards

  • Yes, Luishc. As Marcel said, the worklist server isn't used for images transfer.
    As far as I know, the worklist server is used at the scanner to get a "to-do" list of studies.

    Please, someone alert me if I'm saying something wrong.
    I didn't try Conquest as a Worklist Server yet, but this week I'll try to do it. I have only XML files, not HL7. I'm not sure if it will work, but if it doesn't I'll try to convert them to HL7. Maybe I'll use a batch file (loaded by cron every minute) to scan for new worklist items and add them to the Worklist Server (Conquest). Any better ideas?

    [ ]s!

    Gustavo F. Caetano
    Technical Coordinator and Biomedical Informatics Specialized Technician
    Image Sciences and Medical Physics Center
    Hospital das Clínicas - FMRP - USP

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