• Hi

    I have 3 conquest servers setup on a 500 GB disk. One for each modality that are CT, MRI and US. I have the GUI delete settings for all servers setup at

    Cleanup Disk Below: 10000 MB
    Clean Nightly Below: 15000 MB

    The limit has been reached and delete is happening daily now on all servers.

    Using MySQL Query I see that for the CT it is holding studies for much longer times in comparison to US and MRI servers. MRI and US are only leaving not even the last week data in DB as they are getting deleted really fast.

    How does delete work and why is CT holding data as far back as 5 months ?

    The other query is since delete is kicking in, the browse database tab on occassions shows no data, and I have to keep doing a db regen to get the data to show again. Why is this ?

    Thank You


  • I've increased the CT delete threshold so that these older ones get removed from db. We have a seperate main archive where all our CT get viewed/reported from. So I don't need Conquest to hold that much.

    I have left MR and US to the low threshold. This should let Conquest hold more of them than CT.

  • Hm,

    to restore the browser try to click to another page and back, a full regen seems to me not necesary. Delete sorts (by default) on date of reception. I am not sure why you see different behavior.


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