Posts by lselvon

    I've increased the CT delete threshold so that these older ones get removed from db. We have a seperate main archive where all our CT get viewed/reported from. So I don't need Conquest to hold that much.

    I have left MR and US to the low threshold. This should let Conquest hold more of them than CT.


    I have 3 conquest servers setup on a 500 GB disk. One for each modality that are CT, MRI and US. I have the GUI delete settings for all servers setup at

    Cleanup Disk Below: 10000 MB
    Clean Nightly Below: 15000 MB

    The limit has been reached and delete is happening daily now on all servers.

    Using MySQL Query I see that for the CT it is holding studies for much longer times in comparison to US and MRI servers. MRI and US are only leaving not even the last week data in DB as they are getting deleted really fast.

    How does delete work and why is CT holding data as far back as 5 months ?

    The other query is since delete is kicking in, the browse database tab on occassions shows no data, and I have to keep doing a db regen to get the data to show again. Why is this ?

    Thank You


    I have had similar issues with this. One machine running multiple instances kept giving frequent crashes, and on other machines Conquest would run fine.

    My issue came out to be hardware related with the disk, and nothing to do with the Conquest software. After changing the disk and re-installing everything all instances on that machine is running smoothly as a service.

    So perhaps your issue is not Conquest related but something else :D



    I found out my issue why I get this message libmysql not functional from the Browse Database tab.

    When I click on "make mysql database", I specified a database name say "conquestbeta" and the root password, and save.

    I get this error each time I go in the Browse database.

    In the dicom.ini file although I specified "conquestbeta" I still this

    SQLServer = conquest

    instead. Trying to talk to a database that is not there.

    I have done few conquest installs recently on the latest beta version, and I keep seeing this issue in dicom.ini file when installing with Native Mysql driver.

    The problem is rectified when I manually change SQLSERVER = conquestbeta, and restart server.

    This appears a bug.

    I successfully did a regen moving from ODBC to native MySQL for database on Linux server. However for one server when trying to add records, I get this error

    I cannot see at this stage why it's trying to use MySQL ODBC instead of the native sql one.


    I am getting a persistent I/O Error <num>, from the maintenance tab on every of the buttons I click on from a Conquest server. But from other tabs the buttons are working fine.

    Restarting, rebooting machine etc ... does not fix it. Have not tried a re-install as yet.

    Any clues :?:


    Forgot to add the the scanner does choose between the two formats. It's test showed that Conquest supports both formats. However having both uncommented in dgatesop.lst kept forcing the scanner to send single frame SOP. It only forced multi frame SOP after multi frame SOP is commented in dgatesop.lst.


    You can force the scanner to send multiple objects by removing the corresponding SOP for multi-frame from dgateasop.lst

    Isn't Enhanced MR Image Storage multi frame, and MR Image Storage single frame. If I remove / comment this

    MRImageStorageEnhanced 1.2.840.10008. sop

    as stated above from dgatesop.lst, how does that force a multi frame sending from Scanner ?

    I have however done what you said, and it forced multi frame sending from scanner. However I am unclear about the above comment.

    Please elaborate why this is so.

    Thank You


    This time around, I restarted the modality workstation which restored the communication link. With the bind error, I know then to look for an existing running dgate. I have quite a couple of others running on this same server. Need to be sure I kill the correct one. Perhaps I should use "Keep Server Alive" option which I will try next and see what happens with my issue for this.

    I have Conquest to delete patients at night using the Nightly feature which it is doing daily now as we have reached the amount of storage we want to use. So that could explain why the next day when I go in db tab I get this error. I have done regens before, and YES it does remove the message.

    With our MR Conquest, I have been encountering some persistent problem as described below. The server was not installed as an NT service.

    After sending quite a few studies across, around 90 - 100 studies, once the processing has finished and I start the next batch, the modality does not talk to Conquest anymore. A Kill and restart does nothing to fix this. I close Conquest and start it manually again, this time it runs as an NT service. I however still cannot communicate with the modality. I un-install as an NT service, and I get a message ""Bind listen error".

    Closing and restarting Conquest keeps in this repetitive cycle. The only way I can get things going is by doing a full regen. Once the regen is finished then communication is restored with modality.

    I cannot keep doing regens to fix this problem.

    What would cause a dead communication port after strenious sendind of data (5 to 6 hrs of continuous sending) ?
    Why does Conquest installs itself as an NT service after I close and start application again ?
    Why the bind listening error after I un-install Nt service ?


    MySQL database. Just enter the db tab, and the error comes. So I would the first record at the top it points on the browser tab when it starts happening. How do I detect these types of records from db so that I look at them ?

    I have made a post at eFilm forum about that. I suspect then KPACS has the same issue as I experienced the same problem when trying to retrieve off Conquest. I will leave the setting in the lst file at Conquest as I've asked the modality to send us multiple objects instead, which they were doing before prior to a software re-configuration that was done by them from the time we noticed this issue.

    I have an update on this matter, as I've made some progress.

    The modality sends studies to Conquest as a single frame per series. We have another reporting station that receives studies from the same modality, and stores them as multiple frames per series. When I send the studies off the reporting station to Conquest which it then stores as multi frame per series, and then try a retrieve from E-FILM off Conquest, I can FINALLY retrieve the studies.

    Is there any particular difference between multi frame, and single frame series DICOM other than the fact that a multi frame series sends a header per each image stored in the series, while the single frame just sends a single header on a bigger single image series study ?

    Thank You
