reverse pictures

  • Hello to ALL, I am totally new using ConQuest so maybe it is a silly question.
    From an other DICOM server I import the .dcm pictures with the button "Regen single device".
    It works great an i can "Browse database" an see all the information.
    Only one small point: All the pictures are reversed what means the background is white and the rest is black.
    Is there a way to invert the pictures into background black and the rest white??

    Hopefully my problem is understandable.
    Thanks very much in advance for a helping answer.


    I am using ConQuest 1.4.15 alpha with the aiviewer

  • Hi marcel,
    thank you for your fast answer.
    I solved the problem. I took your dicomviewer101 and changed in the sourcefile the line:
    boolean inv = false; into true. Now its working perfectly.
    All the best from
    Lodda :D

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