NewPort could not locate free port

  • Hi!
    I have unpacked Conquest DICOM server 1.14.14 on Windows 2003 Server EE SP2 + MS SQL 2000.
    Firewall disabled.

    First run of Conquest shows the messages:
    "ConquestDicomServer: NewPort could not locate free port for InstallationSocket"
    "ConquestDicomServer: NewPort could not locate free port for MaintenaceSocket"
    "'' is not a valid integer value".
    After this messages, main widow appears. The Configuration page is empty (fields AE, port, etc.).
    Version 1.14.15 alpha also tested and the result is the same.

    On this machine also installed Oracle 10g database, Apache Tomcat 6, jre 1.6.

    Where is the problem?

    PS. Can i set a different character set in worklist than ISO_IR_100?

  • Hi,

    conquest uses a few (and tries to find available) ports in the range 1110 - 1999 internally. Maybe oracle (?) has blocked them all. Use something like CurrPorts to check it out. This problem has never been reported before!

    Sorry, there is not charset support in conquest, you are stuck with ISO_IR_100


  • This problem is not solved yet.
    Stopping all oracle services, tomcat services, etc. does not help.
    The "netstat -ano" and CurrPorts displays, that ports 1111, 1151-1154 not used.

    But the dgate.exe successfully working as service (c:\dicomserver\dgateserv.exe /process dgate.exe -^serverstatus.log).
    Also used ini-file and database from working ConquestDICOM server (dicom.ini + + USESQLSERVER option + Conquest database).

  • Yes, this is software conflict.
    After the installed programs on computer have changed, the Conquest has successfully started (some programs have been removed, others - are installed). Which program did not allow to start to the Conquest server, I have not found.

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