Converter "Order of Execution"

  • Marcel, can you explain the order in how Import and Export Converts are executed?

    For example, does it process in numerical order, top to bottom and left to right?

    I want to do more "sophisticated" converters, but I want to get it right.

    For example,

    In those rules, what I am not sure about is this - I want to make sure the following occurs:
    1) any type of study from TESTBOX gets stored in CONQUEST, but gets forwarded nowhere
    2) any MR study from a facility that begins with OUTSIDE or does not begin with INSIDE gets forwarded to RAD_OFFICE and RAD_HOME, but not ARCHIVE

    I hope I am clear in what I am asking. Thanks! -Scott

  • Hi Scott,

    importconverters runs as 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, ... 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 etc: all in order. A stop will stop the whole chain. This is a bug - it will stop only one line later.

    exportconverters lines run in parallel, with each line's entries in order of appearance. "stop" will stop the current line only.

    I believe you have some {} missing in the last example; the if statement only affects ONE following statement unless {} are used. Also, all statements need to appear on one line.

    ifequal "%u","TESTBOX"; stop;
    ifequal "%V0008,0080[0,6]", "OUTSIDE"; {forward study to RAD_OFFICE; forward study to RAD_HOME; stop; };
    ifnotequal "%V0008,0080[0,4]", "INSIDE"; {forward study to RAD_OFFICE; forward study to RAD_HOME; stop; };
    forward study to RAD_OFFICE; forward study to RAD_HOME; forward to ARCHIVE;

  • Quote from marcelvanherk

    importconverters runs as 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, ... 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 etc: all in order. A stop will stop the whole chain. This is a bug - it will stop only one line later.

    Can you give an example of where the process will actually stop?

    Quote from marcelvanherk

    I believe you have some {} missing in the last example; the if statement only affects ONE following statement unless {} are used. Also, all statements need to appear on one line.
    ifequal "%u","TESTBOX"; stop;
    ifequal "%V0008,0080[0,6]", "OUTSIDE"; {forward study to RAD_OFFICE; forward study to RAD_HOME; stop; };
    ifnotequal "%V0008,0080[0,4]", "INSIDE"; {forward study to RAD_OFFICE; forward study to RAD_HOME; stop; };
    forward study to RAD_OFFICE; forward study to RAD_HOME; forward to ARCHIVE;

    So if the following was all in one line, would it work as expected? Is there an easier way to accomplish this?
    1) a study from TESTBOX gets stored in CONQUEST, but gets forwarded nowhere
    2) a study from a facility that begins with OUTSIDE or does not begin with INSIDE gets forwarded to RAD_OFFICE and RAD_HOME, but not ARCHIVE

      ExportConverter4 = ifequal "%u","TESTBOX"; stop;
      ifequal "%V0008,0080[0,6]", "OUTSIDE"; {forward study to RAD_OFFICE; forward study to RAD_HOME; stop; };
      ifnotequal "%V0008,0080[0,4]", "INSIDE"; {forward study to RAD_OFFICE; forward study to RAD_HOME; stop; };
      forward study to RAD_OFFICE; forward study to RAD_HOME; forward to ARCHIVE

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