DICOM SR and import converters

  • Hi! in a old version of Conquest (14) I used these commands in dicom.ini

    ExportConverters = 2ExportConverter0 = dgate.exe "+'"'+"--convert_to_jpg:%f,1024,"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\"+"%b.jpg,//0ExportModality1 = SRExportConverter1 = dsr2xml.exe %f "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"misure.xml

    upgrading to a new version (16 or 17) Marcel suggested me to use import converters instead of export converters, so I changed the first lines in this way:

    ImportConverters = 2
    ImportConverter0 = save to "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\temp.dcm
    ImportConverter1 = process with dgate.exe "+'"'+"--convert_to_jpg:"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\temp.dcm,1024,"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\"+ALLTRIM(PATHSRVDCM)+",//0"+'"'+";destroy

    Now I need to use also SR modality, so how would I change the previous ExportConverter1 into ImportConverter2 to make it work?

    PS ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM) and ALLTRIM(PATHSRVDCM) are 2 variables that contains the path of the folder to store images.

    Let me know....and regards!

  • Hi,

    try e.g.:

    ImportConverter0 = save to tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter1 = system dgate.exe --convert_to_jpg:tempfile.dcm,1024,tempfile.jpg,//0
    ImportConverter2 = system dsr2xml.exe tempfile.dcm misure.xml
    ImportConverter3 = rm tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter4 = destroy


  • Hi Marcel!

    I don't understand....

    before SR I have
    ImportConverters = 2
    ImportConverter0 = save to "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\temp.dcm
    ImportConverter1 = process with dgate.exe "+'"'+"--convert_to_jpg:"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\temp.dcm,1024,"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\"+ALLTRIM(PATHSRVDCM)+",//0"+'"'+";destroy

    so the import convertes should change from 2 to 3, and is not sufficient to add this line??:
    ImportModality2 = SR
    ImportConverter2 = dsr2xml.exe %f "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"misure.xml

    I don't understand your example:

    ImportConverter0 = save to tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter1 = system dgate.exe --convert_to_jpg:tempfile.dcm,1024,tempfile.jpg,//0
    ImportConverter2 = system dsr2xml.exe tempfile.dcm misure.xml (I NEED ONLY THIS????)
    ImportConverter3 = rm tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter4 = destroy

  • Hi,

    ImportConverters is not necessary, but filtration may still be applied, e.g.,

    ImportModality2 = SR
    ImportConverter0 = save to tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter1 = system dgate.exe --convert_to_jpg:tempfile.dcm,1024,tempfile.jpg,//0
    ImportConverter2 = system dsr2xml.exe tempfile.dcm misure.xml
    ImportConverter3 = rm tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter4 = destroy

    They will just be called one by one in order. But if you want to set ImportConverters it should now be set to 5.


  • what I don't understand is that the SR file is received at the end of the study (in US machines)
    so, I can get the single dicom image with

    ImportConverter0 = save to "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\temp.dcmImportConverter1 = process with dgate.exe "+'"'+"--convert_to_jpg:"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\temp.dcm,1024,"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\"+ALLTRIM(PATHSRVDCM)+",//0"+'"'+";destroy

    and then only the SR with

    ImportModality2 = SRImportConverter2 = dsr2xml.exe %f "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"misure.xml

    with export converters all worked in this sequence:

    ExportConverters = 2
    ExportConverter0 = dgate.exe "+'"'+"--convert_to_jpg:%f,1024,"+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"\"+"%b.jpg,//0
    ExportModality1 = SR
    ExportConverter1 = dsr2xml.exe %f "+ALLTRIM(PATH_DICOM)+"misure.xml

    another question: where I can find the last dsr2xml.exe utility?

  • Ah,

    I get the point, you need to filter both lines. Maybe this is a bit clearer:

    ImportConverter0 = save to tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter1 = ifequal "%m","SR"; stop; system dgate.exe --convert_to_jpg:tempfile.dcm,1024,tempfile.jpg,//0
    ImportConverter2 = ifnotequal "%m","SR"; stop; system dsr2xml.exe tempfile.dcm misure.xml
    ImportConverter3 = rm tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter4 = destroy


  • Ok Marcel, I understand!

    but should not be in this way???

    ImportConverter0 = save to tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter1 = ifnotequal "%m","SR"; stop; system dgate.exe --convert_to_jpg:tempfile.dcm,1024,tempfile.jpg,//0
    ImportConverter2 = ifequal "%m","SR"; stop; system dsr2xml.exe tempfile.dcm misure.xml
    ImportConverter3 = rm tempfile.dcm
    ImportConverter4 = destroy
  • It doesn't work Marcel!!!

    I've tried this way:

    ImportConverters = 5ImportConverter0 = save to C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\temp.dcmImportConverter1 = ifequal "%m","SR";stop;process with dgate.exe "--convert_to_jpg:C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\temp.dcm,1024,C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\%V0020,0013.jpg,//0"ImportConverter2 = ifnotequal "%m","SR";stop;dsr2xml.exe C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\temp.dcm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\misure.xmlImportConverter3 = rm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\temp.dcmImportConverter4 = destroy

    but it seems that if I'm sending an image (slide) it works (import converter 1), while when I send the SR report the importconverter 2 is skipped, on the server page I find only import converter 0 and 4, why????????

    if I try with export converters?

    infact, if I put only this in dicom.ini it works (no slide retrieving)

    ExportModality0 = SR
    ExportConverter0 = dsr2xml.exe %f "+C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\misure.xml

    an example with both image and SR retrieving?

  • Hi,

    importconverters require 'system ' to call an external program!

    ImportConverter2 = ifnotequal "%m","SR";stop; system dsr2xml.exe C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\temp.dcm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\EG20130316\misure.xml

    If am advocating lua now for these kind of tasks because the syntax is easier.


  • Hi Marcel!

    today at 3 p.m. I'll try your hint

    by the way, could you supply me also an exportconverter example to test if the import doesn't work?

    Sorry but I can use this US machine only when the clinic is closed, just one afternoon a week



  • Hi Marcel!

    I've this in dicom.ini

    # Configuration of disk(s) to store imagesMAGDeviceThreshhold = 0MAGDevices = 1MAGDevice0 = C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\NightlyCleanThreshhold = 0ImportConverters = 5ImportConverter0 = save to C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcmImportConverter1 = ifequal '%m','SR';stop;process with dgate.exe "--convert_to_jpg:C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm,1024,C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\%V0020,0013.jpg,//0ImportConverter2 = ifnotequal '%m','SR';stop;system dsr2xml.exe C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\misure.xmlImportConverter3 = rm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcmImportConverter4 = destroy

    I've also tested the %m and this is the result

    [CONQUESTSRV1] Importconverter1.0: nop ImportConverter logs modality: SR

    this is what happens in the server status window

    [CONQUESTSRV1] DGATE (1.4.15, build Wed Jul 14 15:56:50 2010, bits 64) is running as threaded server[CONQUESTSRV1] Database type: NULL driver (black hole)[CONQUESTSRV1] User interface test: local server is running![CONQUESTSRV1] [CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 0: STARTED AT: Thu Mar 21 15:19:14 2013[CONQUESTSRV1] Calling Application Title : "TEST "[CONQUESTSRV1] Called Application Title : "ALPHA10 "[CONQUESTSRV1] Application Context : "1.2.840.10008.", PDU length: 27740[CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 0 "1.2.840.10008.1.1" 1[CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 1 "1.2.840.10008." 1[CONQUESTSRV1] Presentation Context 2 "1.2.840.10008." 1[CONQUESTSRV1] Importconverter0.0 executes: save to C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm[CONQUESTSRV1] Importconverter4.0: destroyed received image[CONQUESTSRV1] Importconverter0.0 executes: save to C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm[CONQUESTSRV1] Importconverter4.0: destroyed received image[CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 0: ENDED AT: Thu Mar 21 15:19:15 2013[CONQUESTSRV1] UPACS THREAD 0: TOTAL RUNNING TIME: 1 SECONDS

    this is in debug mode

  • Hi,

    Sorry, you need to use " rather than ' around strings in the import converters. My mistake. Also a small 'bug': rm does not log even if it works.

    ImportConverters = 5
    ImportConverter0 = save to C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm
    ImportConverter1 = ifequal "%m","SR";stop;process with dgate.exe etc
    ImportConverter2 = ifnotequal "%m","SR";stop;system dsr2xml.exe etc
    ImportConverter3 = rm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm
    ImportConverter4 = destroy


  • Ok, I've found it!

    but now I'm getting problems with dsr2xml utility....

    if I put

    ImportConverter2 = ifequal "%m","SR";process with dsr2xml.exe C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\misure.xml

    on the conquest server window I get

    [CONQUESTSRV1] Importconverter2.1 executes: process with dsr2xml.exe C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\temp.dcm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\misure.xml C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\PT20130316\printer_files\1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.730956.43877812.6.1363878834.760.0.dcm

    and, of course, doesn't work, why is the %f added at the end?
    If i put the same command in a .bat file and launch it, it works! maybe I need some particular syntax for parameters???

    PS if I launch with system doesn't work, with process to it works!


  • Hi,

    process with does: save image %f, run exe %f, load image %f, so the command itself adds the %f on the end.

    system does nothing of that all, so you should replace "process with" also with "system"


  • If I put

    ImportConverter3 = ifequal "%m","SR";system dsr2xml.exe C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\MR20130210\misure.dcm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\MR20130210\misure.xml

    doesn't work! no conversion at all

  • Hi, does

    dsr2xml.exe C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\MR20130210\misure.dcm C:\SOFTWARE_EMMECI\DESKTOP\IMG_ECO\P000001\MR20130210\misure.xml


    Maybe it cannot locate the dictionary or dsr2xml.exe.

    system maps onto c++ system() function and should work. You can also try e.g.,

    system notepad

    or use the full path of dsr2xml.exe


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