Export by StudyDescription

  • Hello everyone,

    I want to forward every incoming data with the StudyDescription "Combined LUT Test" (without "" in the dicom-field of course) to a seperated conquest (ARCHIV2). So i need to check the field { 0x0008, 0x1030, "StudyDescription", 64, SQL_C_CHAR, DT_STR }.

    I tried the following:

    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportConverter0 = ifequal "%V0008,1030","Combined LUT Test"; forward to ARCHIV2

    Now, Conquest forwards every incoming data with Combined in the name, e.g. "Combined LUT PState Test" is forwarded, too. Tried it with the ifequal "%V0008,1030[0,16] but he still sends "Combined LUT PState Test" to ARCHIV2. Other studies like "Complex Combination Test" aren't forwarded.

    Of course in the live-System the description is something usefull ("CR kidney", i only want to send "CR kidney" and not "CR kidney extern"; just tried it here in the sandbox with technical images)
    Using Conquest 1.4.14 with DBaseIII.

    Thank you in advance.

  • Dear Marcel, i found the small catch.
    The OFFIS-study consists of 3 pictures. The third picture had the exact StudyDescription as i'm looking for. So he forwarded this picture correctly. I only saw the new patient in ARCHIV2 and thought "damn he transfers" but he only has this one picture and not all 3.
    So all works fine.

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