Emailing of error messages

  • Marcel, I don't see this section really explained in the manual. Could you explain the fields (expecially the less obvious ones). Thanks.

    # Configure email of error messages
    MailHost =
    MailSignon =
    MailFromName =
    MailRcptName1 =
    MailCollectTime =
    MailWaitTime =
  • Hi

    MailHost = name of mail server
    MailSignon = mail server login name
    MailFromName = stated email adress of sender
    MailRcptName1 = email address of recipient 1
    MailRcptName2 = email address of recipient 2
    MailCollectTime = minimal time in minutes to collect error messages (e.g., 1 means first error mail send one minute after error)
    MailWaitTime = mail at most once every so many minutes (e.g., 1)

    Mailing works from the GUI. I.e., a service will not mail when the GUI is not up.


  • Entry for dicom.ini from the manual (page 49):

    Allowtruncate: Comma separated list of database fields without spaces that may be entered
    truncated into the database giving a warning not an error


  • Sorry to drag this up from long ago.

    I'm trying to find an easier way to review logs for errors. We are depending on Conquest more and more for remote reading and I want to make sure that I catch any failed transfers. Do you have any suggestions?

    Is there a way to specify the port of the email server?
    For example, instead of the typical port 25 for SMTP:
    MailHost = mailserver:24

    Additionally, can we specify a password as well as the login name?

    Thanks. -Scott

  • Hi,

    the mail option is quite good: only errors are mailed. For now you can configure 'mailhost', and ' mailsignon'. There is no password available. The (very old) mailer component I use does not provide that option. Changing that is a pretty major operation. Adding a port option is minor, but requires changing the GUI code. Something for the next release.

    The mailer filters on lines with "fail" (case insensitive) and "***".


  • Thanks for the speedy reply. I'll figure out a workaround. Could you add server port to the official feature request list?

    Additionally, thank you for your time and a pretty sweet product.

    Thanks! -Scott

  • Good morning.

    Anyone has successful implemented emailing of error?
    I tested with 1.4.17 and 1.4.17c without sucess.

    This is my Mail configuration of dicom.ini

    # Configure email of error messages
    MailHost = (i have a smtp relay on same server)
    MailPort = smtp
    MailSignon = diego (but even if is null it can't work)
    MailFromName =
    MailRcptName1 =
    MailCollectTime = 1
    MailWaitTime = 10

    To test mail funcionallity, i simulate an error sending a manually changed Patient ID to duplicate register.
    As show above, i have a smtp relay on same machine that conquest server. But i try too on IIS 6.0 SMTP Relay. On IIS, the log shows the following:

    2013-12-18 11:08:04 ti03 SMTPSVC1 NEUTRINO 0 HELO - +ti03 250 0 52 9 0 SMTP - - - -
    2013-12-18 11:08:04 ti03 SMTPSVC1 NEUTRINO 0 MAIL - +FROM:<> 250 0 54 41 0 SMTP - - - -
    2013-12-18 11:08:19 ti03 SMTPSVC1 NEUTRINO 0 QUIT - ti03 240 15000 54 41 15000 SMTP - - - -

    According to the log CONQUEST connect, but can't send anything.

  • Hi,

    a more simple test for mail would be

    ImportConverter0 = print('*** test for mail').

    This should mail after 1 minute.

    The mail client is ancient though. Can you log the mail activity in more detail? The last time I used it was about 8 years ago.


  • Hi Marcel. Thanks for reply. What SMTP server you are using? I want do some tests too....
    Im testing with Postfix mail server and i have same problem. I realize follow:

    Conquest open connection with smtp server;
    Conquest send a 'helo' command and smtp server anwser OK;
    Conquest send a 'mail from' command and smtp server anwser OK ;
    SMTP waiting 'rcpt from' command from Conquest, but Conquest dont send anymore command. So SMTP finish connection and quit.

    Can you confirm that your mail system is working and what version you are using? Im tested with 64bit 1.4.15/16/17/17c and happen same problem. Its a Windows Version 64bit.

  • Hi,

    I found the bug. If you create a file 'weeklychecks.ini' and copy the mail setting block from dicom.ini into this file, the mailer should work better. Can you try this? The last time we used the mail option was when conquest was our production PACS and weeklychecks were in place.


  • Quote from marcelvanherk


    I found the bug. If you create a file 'weeklychecks.ini' and copy the mail setting block from dicom.ini into this file, the mailer should work better. Can you try this? The last time we used the mail option was when conquest was our production PACS and weeklychecks were in place.


    Hey Marcel. now works perfectly. Im surprise because nobody detect this from last 8 years. This is an important funcionality for monitoring system health. Thank you very much.

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