Patient ID change

  • Thanks that worked.

    Please verify the syntax of these two statements.

    PatientID -> dgate64.exe --modifystudy:Old Patient ID,Study ID,"set 0010,0020 to \"New Patient ID\"; "

    PatientName -> dgate64.exe--modifystudy:Patient ID,Study ID,"set 0010,0010 to \"New Patient Name\"; "

    I ad searched the forum and found this command from one of the post . But it doesn't work for me.

    dgate64 --modifystudy:,1.2.840.113619.,"newuids;set 0010,0020 to \"CCCCM73C23I189E\";"


  • Hi,

    you need to put double quotes " around the entire statement otherwise windows will split it. Do not use \", but "" e.g.

    dgate64 "--modifystudy:,1.2.840.113619.,newuids;set 0010,0020 to ""CCCCM73C23I189E"""

    The quoting is complex!


  • Use dgate64.exe "--modifypatid:1234,2107260848098474,E:\Images\DX\unknown\unknown\26-07-2021\A334892-2- (^xxxxxx)\Ankle_Stress_AP\00010004.dcm"


    Hi Marcel

    Today when i tried to use the same command to modify some Patient IDs, i am getting error :: "

    [PACS] Server command sent using DGATE -- option

    [PACS] ***File to modify does not exist or is not on a MAG device"

    Please guide. my syntax is as follow:-

    dgate64.exe --"modifypatid:NewPatientID,StudyID, Complete Path to image on file systemsystem"

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