Setting up remote Apache web server

  • Hello,

    I have set up a LAMP virtual machine and have downloaded and compiled dgate for linux (this LAMP server is a Debian distro)

    dgate apears to be talking to the conquest server which is running on a windows server if I manually edit the IP address of the server. Below is the URL generated when clicking on the "Show Server Configuration" link on the dgate web page.

    http://<my web site>/cgi-bin/dgate?port=5678&address=

    If I substitute the IP address of my conquest server in the URL above, replacing, I get the correct results.

    What I am trying to do is edit the dgate.cpp and update the IP address to my Conquest server. Is this not the correct line to edit in dgate.cpp?

    static char ServerCommandAddress[64] = "";

    I have edited this file and then ran ./maklinux to recompile but the localhost IP address still comes up.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in Advance!


  • Great! Thank you Marcel.

    So, the apache server running on linux will still refer to the dgate.ini file? I know that .ini files are typicall Windows config files. I assume I need to "dos2unix" these files if I'm running them in a linux environment?

    Thanks again!


  • Marcel,

    The only entries I see in the dicom.ini that would be similar are the following:

    # Network configuration: server name and TCP/IP port#
    TCPPort = 5678
    # Banner and host for debug information
    OperatorConsole =

    CONQUESTSRV1 is of course the Windows server running Conquest

  • I guess I should do some more work on my own before I ask questions :D

    I realized that the makfile was copying my files to /usr/lib/cgi-bin when my web server cgi-bin is running out of /var/www/cgi-bin. I updated the entry like you said (why would I question you :oops: ) and it is working for me now.

    Thanks again for your help!


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