How do I forward Studies?

  • Hello. I have Conquest 1.4.14 beta and I need to use it both as a database and a router (forwarding).

    I am able to use it as a database, I have added all the modalities that we send to, but I am not able to forward dicom studies between 7pm to 9am to AE_NIGHTHAWK.

    I am mostly confused with how to configure the thing in the dicom.ini file.

    I added these lines to my dicom.ini:

    # ExportExportConverters = 1ExportConverter0 = ifnumgreater "%V0008,0030[0,1]", "14"; forward to AE_NIGHTHAWK ExportConverter0 = ifnumless "%V0008,0030[0,1]", "14"; stop; ifnumgreater "%V0008,0030[0,1]", "19"; stop; forward to AE_NIGHTHAWKExportConverter0 = between "14", "19"; forward to AE_NIGHTHAWK

    (the times here are only to test it, seeing as its around 3pm right now)

    When I send a study to this machine, it just stores it in the database (it doesnt do anything different than before I added these lines to the dicom.ini).

    I am a beginner at this and I simply want to export EVERYTHING between 7PM and 9AM to NIGHTHAWK (nighthawk has already been added to list of known dicom providers).

    Here is a copy of my dicom.ini:

    I have tried a bunch of things but I have come to the conclusion that I must be missing something VERY basic.

    Also, I don't know whether I need dgate or not, etc. I just need to route, whatever I need to do to make that happen is what I am trying to do. I looked through the manual, but I feel like it made some assumptions that I wasn't able to pick up. If there is anybody out there who has any tips, I would be grateful ^_^

    Thank You!

  • I think I figured it out for those of you needing help
    (this met my needs anyways) to forward everything 24/7 to an efilm workstation

    # ExportExportConverters = 1ExportConverter0 = between "00", "00"; forward to efilm

    if you wanted to forward between say 6PM and 6AM it would look like

    # Export
    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportConverter0 = between "18", "06"; forward to efilm
  • Hmm, I thought that between 6 and 6 it would "stop" and forward otherwise. Can someone give me an example of how to setup a working nighthawk type of forwarding; forward after 18 and before 6.
    I tried setting up a numgreater and numless statement but could not get it to function properly.
    Thanks in advance, LJJ

  • Code
    # Export
    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportConverter0 = between "18", "06"; forward to efilm

    this will forward every day between 1800 hours and 0600 hours.
    lets say its monday and the clock just turned 1800 hours, now everything will forward to your "efilm" destination until
    0600 hours on tuesday (this will repeat everyday of the week)

  • Hi. The manual wasn't clear. When I choose to forward studies to another dicom server, will the forwarded studies also be stored in the database of the forwarding server? I'd like to keep patient records on my Windows server (which will be running Conquest) but view them on K-PACS software on a PC in my network. Thanks for the help!

  • I am going to assume that in this case, 'efilm' is the AE Title of the receiving DICOM server. Am I off-base? I copied the export settings above and replaced 'efilm' with the AE Title of the KPACS server I wanted to forward to...but it did not work.

  • Quote from czechplease

    I am going to assume that in this case, 'efilm' is the AE Title of the receiving DICOM server. Am I off-base? I copied the export settings above and replaced 'efilm' with the AE Title of the KPACS server I wanted to forward to...but it did not work.

    make sure the KPACS server is configured as a "Known DICOM Provider" in Conquest - and likewise for conquest in the KPACS server network configuration. - otherwise it will fail. - I have tested the rule with an Efilm workstation, KPACS, and ClearCanvas workstation. - it is imperative that you have the AET configured on all ends.

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