control over StudyincanceUID ?

  • Hi,
    i am faced with the follwing issue since using the conquest worklist (1.4.16):
    conquest is configured to generate a studyincanceuid, otherwise Siemens MRI does not accept worklist. So far, so good, everything works fine in our internal system.
    Since we have changed partially to the conquest worklist, one of our cooperation partners cannot import those files from cd in their system.
    In parallel we do use another worklist , which also generates the studyinstanceuid, those files are imported without problems. So at the moment the only obvious
    difference between the cds which can be imported and those which cannot, seems to be the different format of the studyinstanceuid.
    e.g. conquest studyinstanceuid 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.2.135.733152.72083546.6.1349952586.125.16
    mwlworklist server: studyinstanceuid: uuu.vvv.www.xxxx

    Unfortunatly i could not yet get an error logfile or any more specific informations about the system, which failes to import our files (still trying to get those informations).
    I´d like to know if there is any way to configure conquest to use another format for the studyincanceuid.

    Thanks for any help


  • Also, with the following converter:

    ModalityWorkListQueryResultConverter0 = Data.StudyInstanceUID = 'blabla'

    you can modify the results of any worklist query. This would allow you to reformat the generated UID using common lua string processing.


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