Unable to send to netwerkdrive

  • Conqest version 1.4.13. Database MSSQL. Account manager is microsoft AD. User has full rights. Default dicom.ini
    I have my Dicomfiles on a share of a virtual filer mapped to a drive letter
    so V: \\vf-d4-org\onco-pacs$ Data path in configuration = V:\dicom\data. In configuration I can create a new dir in the share.
    I can regenerate a database from copied data. I can query the database, but I am not allowed to copy data from an other Conquest server. These functions work properly with a local data dir.
    Sendig dicomserver logs in the status the send files as send.
    Receiving dicomserver logs in the staus the received files but no files are written on the filer.

  • Hi Henk,

    looking through the posts (search for NAS) its seems that as a service you have to use MAGDevic0 = \\vf-d4-org\onco-pacs$\dicom\data\ because a service does not recieve the drive mappings. The $ should be no problem.

    Can you try: "show free space on device"
    and 'kill and restart the server' and show the lines of the log?

    And you also try and make a directory on the share, make a new text file in there and edit it with notepad?

    Finally, you do have create the dicom\data directories manually if they are not there.


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