Work list matching behaviour

  • Case: Conquest 1.4.16i,
    Worklistmode = 1,
    MySQL 5.5.5 ,
    work list entries :
    "AccessionN" "PatientID" "PatientNam" "PatientBir" "PatientSex" "MedicalAle" "ContrastAl" "StudyInsta" "ReqPhysici" "ReqProcDes" "Modality" "ReqContras" "ScheduledA" "StartDate" "StartTime" "PerfPhysic" "SchedPSDes" "SchedPSID" "SchedStati" "SchedPSLoc" "PreMedicat" "SchedPSCom" "ReqProcID" "ReqProcPri" "AccessTime" "qTimeStamp" "qFlags" "qSpare"
    "0100000026" "0100000016" "Narrisch^Ferdinand^Mc^^Junior" "19680324" "M" "" "" "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.728.00000026.0000000141" "Bones^Frank^^Dr.^" "CTLOWLEG" "CT" "" "PHING01" "20120322" "124000" "UNKNOWN" "" "10" "CT-1" "CT1-EXAM" "" "" "10" "ROUTINE" NULL NULL NULL NULL
    "0100000026" "0100000016" "Narrisch^Ferdinand^Mc^^Junior" "19680324" "M" "" "" "1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.728.00000026.0000000150" "Bones^Frank^^Dr.^" "USUPABD" "US" "" "ALOGYN1" "20120315" "130000" "UNKNOWN" "" "23" "US-GYN1" "MAMMO-EXAM" "" "" "23" "ROUTINE" NULL NULL NULL NULL
    When an image is stored using the work list entry 1 (With StIUID 1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.728.00000026.0000000141) then Conquest is matching this store request because Worklistmode = 1.
    However it matches and coerces the image with the work list entry 2 (Probably based on the fact that the accession number for entry 2 is the same).

    Is this a normal behaviour when worklist matching is ON and there are more entries in the work list with the same accession number?

  • Dear Marcel,

    I think it is not un-common that there can be more Worklist orders with the same Accession number (Order from HIS) and with different procedure requests (Using different unique Study UIDs).
    Maybe there is a way to identify the right work list entry by a combined search for accession + Study ID or Accession + Scheduled Procedure ID?
    Currently I have to be alert that Work list matching is set to OFF because when it is On the coercion of images is adding in-correct data.


  • Hi,

    Hm, StudyUID may be possible, as that is guaranteed in the image. However, that will mean that StudyUID can no longer be coerced. If you tell me your preference I can add relevant WorklistMode settings.


  • Hallo Marcel,

    I understand your concern. The matter is not as simple as I thought first. There are also conditions where storage is handled by manual input of some parameters (Without a work list look-up). Nobody can tell what happens then, when conquest tries to match and by chance finds an entry in the work list server. And that is not the only scenario where it can go wrong...
    I think I stay with setting Worklistmode = 0 and sleep a night on this issue.

    Thank, Wim

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