About Printer LUT

  • do you use a windows printer or a dicom printer?

    I've downloaded today conquest in order to setup a low cost print server to a windwos printer, and I'm wondering where I can find some documentation. I'm reading the pdf that is in the conquest zip file but I've not found detailed info.

    thanks, michele (from italy)

  • Hi Michele,

    most info can be found in file DicomConformance_FilesLST_Changes.pdf, but it is not a lot.

    1) The printer does not print data recieved from a dicom send. To do that you could configure an exportconverter, but you would need external programs to convert the image to a bitmap (one could use dgate --convert_to_bmp.....), and then to print the bitmap.

    2) The printer function uses the default windows printer. To test it, use the print option from the browser.


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