error after install

  • I had version 1.4.12c for a long time. I downloaded unzipped and ran version 1.4.13 and it crashes when I echo Conquest.
    **buferspace out of memory allocating .....
    **a fatal error occured (out of memory) - closing server

    Any ideas????

    I would love to get this working the new features look awesome.

  • Try uninstalling / deleting thats all old and install 1.4.13 again as a fresh.

    you then only have to modify dicom.ini and to make its same as it was.

    I believe this will help you, if not.. then there must be something fishy! :P

  • What is the procedure to take from 1.4.11 (with 4719 studies) to 1.4.13 without losing database tabes and data? MAG0 device has 2.8TB used space out of 4TB total.

    I would also like a web interface to conquest server for Query, Retrieve (to local disk), and image viewing ability.

    OS: Windows2003-R2-SP1

    Thanks in advance.

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