Posts by doktor

    I have no firewall, no VPN, no encryption and the same is happening. I query conquest and retrieve, it says it was successful both in the conquest logs and in Kpacs, yet no images? I was using version 1.5 kpacs, now am using 1.6 same thing. I know conquest is working because it works with ClearCanvas, any thoughts?

    I have 1.4.14 running on a win2000 pro system with native MYSQL. When I send images from DVTK storage emulator it doesn' t work. The Conquest log shows:

    [PACS1] set debug level from GUI
    [PACS1] set debug log from GUI
    [PACS1] 0000,0002 18 UI AffectedSOPClassUID "1.2.840.10008.1.1"
    [PACS1] 0000,0100 2 US CommandField 48
    [PACS1] 0000,0110 2 US MessageID 7
    [PACS1] 0000,0800 2 US DataSetType 257
    [PACS1] 9999,0400 6 UN "silent"
    [PACS1] *** multiplex: connection terminated

    DVTK SCU Storage emulator shows this in its log:

    Reading media file: "C:\my documents\My iSiteExport\DICOM\"
    Media file dataset was encoded with Transfer Syntax: "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"
    Reading media file: "C:\my documents\My iSiteExport\DICOM\"
    Media file dataset was encoded with Transfer Syntax: "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"
    Starting iteration 1 of 1...
    Requested Presentation Context is SOP Class UID: "1.2.840.10008." with Transfer Syntax: "1.2.840.10008.1.2.1"
    TCP/IP - Connecting to remote host "" using unsecure port number 104 ...
    SENT ASSOCIATE-RQ (07:29:36)
    TCP/IP - Socket read error (error code 10054)
    Can't read from TCP/IP socket - connection has been closed.
    Association open 0.16 seconds
    Failed to make association

    It has me a bit confused, sending images from our PACS (iSite) works, also sending from KPACS to Conquest is fine.
    Any ideas?


    STENTOR does not care who sends to it. It is promiscious. May have something to another subnet. I can send to my local subnet, but not another. Could be A wINDOWZ issue.

    Anyone ever have problems forwarding to Stentor or Philips iSite?

    ExportConverter0.0: forward E:\data1\353954\1.2.840.113663.1100.156557448.2.0.120070321.1081541_0001_000002_12005081260000.dcm to STENTOR
    [PACS] *** ExportConverter0.0: Forward failed to connect to host STENTOR

    STENTOR is listed in the Known DICOM Providers list, the IP, AET and port are correct. I can make it work to other servers but not STENTOR??

    Thanks :(

    I am currently using Export Coverter :
    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportConverter0 = forward to STENTOR

    I would like to have Conquest forward to 2 servers. Can I modify my Export Converter to:
    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportConverter0 = forward to STENTOR
    ExportConverter0 = forward to MagicView

    Will this forward all images to both STENTOR and MagicView? Or should I be doing this differently? Thanks

    Okay I just tried this, sorry it took so long. It did not work. The accession entered into 0008,1030 sent to Conquest. Conquest forwarded the image. But it did not take accession from 0008,1030 and put it into 0008,0050. On the server it was forwarded to the accession umber is still in 0008,1030. Any other ideas? Thanks again

    here is the log from Conquest after an echo
    PACS] set debug level from GUI
    [PACS] set debug log from GUI
    [PACS] ***Bufferspace: out of memory allocating 1061109499 bytes
    [PACS] ***A fatal error occurred (out of memory) - closing server
    *** Restarted dead server after error 7
    [PACS] DGATE (1.4.13, build Fri Nov 16 23:13:02 2007) is running as threaded server
    [PACS] Creating index on field 19 for H:\conquest\Data\dbase\DICOMImages.DBF with 476 records
    [PACS] Creating index on field 0 for H:\conquest\Data\dbase\DICOMPatients.DBF with 4 records
    [PACS] Creating index on field 13 for H:\conquest\Data\dbase\DICOMSeries.DBF with 52 records
    [PACS] Creating index on field 15 for H:\conquest\Data\dbase\DICOMStudies.DBF with 4 records
    [PACS] Creating index on field 0 for H:\conquest\Data\dbase\DICOMWorkList.DBF with 0 records
    [PACS] Index for H:\conquest\Data\dbase\DICOMPatients.DBF finished in 50 ms; total space = 10004 records
    [PACS] Index for H:\conquest\Data\dbase\DICOMSeries.DBF finished in 50 ms; total space = 48559 records
    [PACS] Index for H:\conquest\Data\dbase\DICOMStudies.DBF finished in 50 ms; total space = 10004 records
    [PACS] Index for H:\conquest\Data\dbase\DICOMWorkList.DBF finished in 50 ms; total space = 10000 records
    [PACS] Index for H:\conquest\Data\dbase\DICOMImages.DBF finished in 60 ms; total space = 444505 records
    [PACS] User interface test: local server is running!
    [PACS] set normal log from GUI

    I get the same error when I send an echo to Conquest. At least very close to the same error. This error statrted after upgrading to 1.4.13. Did not see this error with 1.4.12c

    I had version 1.4.12c for a long time. I downloaded unzipped and ran version 1.4.13 and it crashes when I echo Conquest.
    **buferspace out of memory allocating .....
    **a fatal error occured (out of memory) - closing server

    Any ideas????

    I would love to get this working the new features look awesome.

    I am not sure if Conquest can do this but never know if you don't ask!

    We have a Siemens Somatom CT, without DMWL. There is no field that can be used to enter the accession number. We had it setup such that the Techs would enter the accession number into the study description 0008,1030, then maps that entry to accession 0008,0050.

    If I send a study to Conquest, can Conquest do this mapping and then forward the images to our PACS?
