Alternative Nightly Copy

  • First, I must thank all who are involved with Conquest and this forum. Without which I would be bald by now (from pulling out my hair). I've read through several different methods of Nightly transfers, but none really seamed to meet my needs, so I went my own route. I post it here for peer review and hope it may help someone else...

    My client has two facilities, the main office and a branch office. They want the branch office to maintain it own DICOM data, while the central maintains an all inclusive database. Their WAN/VPN bandwidth is 512k uP, with about 430 Kb/s throughput, and the link is unreliable at best. I've tried using methods like "grabimagefromserver", but network errors would cause issues. So this is my work around.

    On the central server, I modified dicom.ini to contain the following lines:

    MAGDevices = 2
    MAGDevice0 = E:\dicom\westfall\
    MAGDevice1 = E:\dicom\hagan\
    CACHEDevices = 1
    CACHEDevice0 = E:\dicom\transfer\

    This creates two "logical volumes" on the same physical volume. As both devices are on the same physical volume, they will always have the same amount of free space, so (I'm assuming / observing) that all files transferred utilizing DICOM are stored in MAG0 (always the first device with free space).

    I also create CACHE0 for use in transferring files. Every night I run the following batch script:

    xcopy "\\hagan1\e$\dicomserver\data\*.*" "e:\dicom\transfer" /m /s /c /h /z /y > "E:\dicom\transfer\%date:~4,2%.%date:~7,2%.%date:~10,4%-Transfer.LOG"
    dgate --regendevice:CACHE0
    dgate --movedatatodevice:MAG1,CACHE0

    This creates a log of all files transferred for debug purposes. Then it regenerates just the folder containing transferred pictures, so the build time is minimal. It then moves the transferred files to MAG1, leaving CACHE0 empty and waiting for transfer the next night. It has been running smoothly so far, I was looking to share my method to help others and solicit critiques from the Conquest Community

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