image locations

  • Hi -
    First time using KPacs - using it to view MRI images - so far a great tool. Two questions popped up quickly:
    1. Can someone please tell me if KPacs can report the cursor location as you move around an image? (The slice position is given, but I would like to know x,y location in-plane - i.e. on axial slices, the slice pos gives the S/I location, I would also like to know the A/P and R/L locations for the cursor position. )
    2. Can we synch the window/level of two series (in split screen mode) for direct comparison?


  • Image orientation will be displayed in one of the upcomming versions. I am also working on synchronization in compare mode.

    Regarding the x/y position: it is easy to implement, but what for do you need it? If you can convince me of it's usefulness, I will implement it.


  • There are many reasons to need to know x/y position. MRI exams usually incorporate several different acquisition sequences where the image plane and/or resolution might be different, and knowing the x/y/z location is the only way to compare the different MR parameters for that lesion or area of tissue. Also for dynamic studies where multiple time points are compared to identify regions of contrast uptake - you need to be comparing the same X,Y position between pre and post-injection images.

    Here I am refering to the absolute locations (in mm) (i.e. anterior/posterior, right/left, superior/inferior) such as that already given by the slice position. It would be great to have the x/y info down in the left corner along with the slice position.

    If it's easy to incorporate it would be much appreciated - otherwise these comparisons would have to be made offline.

    Keep us posted, thanks!

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