Blurred DCM images?

  • Hi all,

    I have a Logiq 400 ultrasound machine. I am able to transfer DICOM images from it (one at a time though) using DCMTK and K-PACS. But the images come out to be blurred. I used eFilm for the same machine and images are crystal clear. I don't want to use eFilm though. Any help will be a great support to me.

    Thank you,
    Malay Thakershi

  • It depends on many variables.
    At what apparent size are you viewing the images? (Same size in e-film and k-pacs?)

    Normal US image size is 640x480 pixels, if you view it whole screen in a 1024x768 display, bluriness will depend on the used interpolation algorithm.

    Regards, Rafael

  • Actually my images are 462X608 pixels. They are not that huge and I am not zooming in/out (keeping 1:1).

    6-8 months back I had received files from the same machine and they look perfect. However, I don't recall which DICOM server I used at that time to get these images.

    But anyways, does 'transfer syntax uid' has to do anything with this?

    In the images that I can see clear:
    0002,0010,Transfer Syntax UID=1.2.840.10008.1.2.

    In the blurred ones:
    0002,0010,Transfer Syntax UID=1.2.840.10008.1.2.2.

    If this is the issue, how can I set it to the previous value.

    I am very thankful for your help.


  • Thank you.

    It took some time but I figured out the issue is with the transfer syntax. Now I am running DCMTK with implicit little endian flag and images are perfect.

    Thank you 'RafaelS' for help too.


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