DebugLevel When running as service

  • OK, I did a bit of guessing and found out how to get it working. I do have a follow up though.

    To get it working, i simply ran "dgate.exe --debug_logon:debug.txt" from the command prompt to get it to write to a text file. This applied the change to my actively running service.

    My question is: Can I get the debug data to be passed to the OperatorConsole object? I'm currently using named pipes for the output. Putting in the same named pipe value as I have for OperatorConsole seems to still pass data but loses all of the original output I was getting.

    I noticed in dgate.cpp (line 8476) that the two options are OnUDP() (if you pass a number between 0 and 9 for the first char) and On(). Am I out of luck since the OnMsgPipe() function isn't in that conditional statement?

  • Hi,

    Which GUI are you using? Didn't even know the named pipes stuff still worked. I will build the feature in for the next release: add the named pipe option to <log_on> and <debuglog_on>.

    For now you maybe can get the service to display debug info permanently by installing the service with something like:

    dgateserv.exe /service CONQUESTSRV1 /exename "c:\dicomserver\dgateserv.exe /process dgate.exe -U\\.\pipe\MessagePipe" /install

    and set DebugLevel in dicom.ini


  • Hi Marcel,

    Thanks for the reply. It's a self written GUI in .NET which listens on a named pipe to the output from dgate.exe's OperatorConsole.

    I haven't ever tried to recompile the source for dgate. I don't suppose you have a how-to on the forum somewhere that you could point me to? I'm developing on a Windows XP machine.

    I see exactly where the check for the PATHSEPCHAR would go in the code for <log_on> and <debuglog_on> but don't have much knowledge of using makefiles and whatnot. Any help you could pass along would be great. Otherwise, i guess i'm stuck until a new release comes out.

    Thanks again,

  • Yes, I did, and that does seem to work. Thank you for that.

    I would, however, like to turn it off/on on the fly so that I'm only outputting debug data when troubleshooting and the basic logging other times.

    No worries, I can wait for the new version.

    So, I'm guessing there's no "how to", list of application used, or helper guide on recompiling the source?


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