IP address and Port of remote node

  • Can we log the IP addresses and port of both calling AE and called AE along with the AETITLE?

    I have installed the conquest server where sometimes the IP changes. Also in this covid situation, it's hard to go to all locations and configure all these settings manually.

    It would fulfill my need if conquest could log the AE, IP, Port of both the called and calling hosts.

    Can it be done?

  • Hi,

    you can get the calling IP address with Lua, e.g. add this to the end of dicom.ini


    Association=print(Association.Thread, Association.Called, Association.Calling, Association.ConnectedIP)

    This is all the information there is. The port is not transmitted I think.

    If you want the local IP address you could use windows command ipconfig. In principle this can be logged within the server with lua as well, e.g.

    f=io.popen('ipconfig'); print(f:read('*all')); f:close()

    The output is a bit messy though.

    This cleans it up:

    f=io.popen('ipconfig'); print(f:read('*all'):match('.-IPv4.-:(.-)Subnet.*')); f:close()


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