jpegls unsuported color space rgb errors

  • Hello Marcel,

    nowadays i've noticed that in trouble log i get lines like below:

    Tue Aug 25 10:09:03 2020 ***[CompressJPEGLS]: Unknown or unsuported color space RGB, Trying RGB

    We are receiving images from Philips Ingenuity 64, these data are stored inproperly (some of the images are stored, some not). The doctor's (philips) workstation can store images sent from CT directly and send it to pacs so the problem is in scenario ct-pacs only i think. Still, i'm not sure if i have some configuration problem or there is some problem in pacs compilation (based on the latest github sources) or jpeg library itself or anything else i can't comprehend :)

    My dicom.ini has entries:

    FileNameSyntax = 4

    FixPhilips = 1

    # Configuration of compression for incoming images and archival

    DroppedFileCompression = js

    IncomingCompression = js

    ArchiveCompression = as

    Could You please point some way i should look for.


    Storing from GE CT and Fuji CR systems with same compression configuration is working without any jpgls errors.

  • Ok,

    this must be an issue (the first) in the jpegls decoder. Do you know how the images are sent? Of course if you can force them to be sent uncompressed the error would not occur. If you use 'as' to recieve some images you can maybe share them.


  • For the clearance, CT console is sending to pacs uncompressed images. In acrnema i have also 'un' in line for this connection. When i change store compression form 'js' to 'nk4', there is no error. Strange is that such situation is only with Philips systems (cr and mr also), on GE or FRC is ok.

    Today i've heard very strange thing form the ct technicial. When the system is sending images in automode, the errors occure but when he send exam manually, it is storen in pacs without errors. I checked it and it's true, so now i really don't know what to search for :)

  • Hi,

    can you collect logs when these images are recieved, It might be this:

    automode: images sent as JS compressed by Philips, and as you store as JS; they are stored unchanged. The error occur when you display or read the images.

    manual mode: images sent as UN, and compressed as JS by conquest; no errors occur.

    I am looking for the "recompressed as " message. And for the context when the error occurs.


  • Hello Marcel, sorry for my very late answering. Last time i had time only to change to nki compress method and forget so the pacs for Philips images were working fine. Still, of course i'd like to keep on the track in solving this strange problem.

    Last days i've checked logs from all of pacs instances and noticed that not only Philips was sending images with some (jpgls processing) errors in log. Similar situation touches (bur very rarely) instance used for CT (GE Optima) archiving and Siemens Angio also but with different jpgls error info. The Xray FCR images are being archived properly without any errors.

    Additional info here:

    - some of the images form GE CT are missing so i'm resending them manually with the same jpgls compress method without problem

    - the images from Siemens Angio, despite logged errors, are archived properly (i can download them to any dicom workstation)

    I've attached proper, cut files of logs from appropriate instances, please take a look.

  • Hi,

    The strange error on the GE log could be because RGB should be RGB<space> but maybe it is sent as RGB<nul>. The second message is weird. I would guess a bug on my side, especially because the images are sent correctly.

    Sharing some of these images may be helpful. Which version were you running again?


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