Error saving to SQL when receiving from other PACS

  • Hi

    I am having problem to receive studies from another PACS which have a pretty long patient ID.
    Due to one old scanner the same patient and its ID can have different writing for the name and the the other PACS ads a suffix to the patient ID like "[IMPORT ROOT date and time]".

    Conquest always chokes on those studies and doesn't store the images and hence can't forward them.

    Attached is an excerpt of the debug log:

    Any workaround for that?

    thx for any help here

  • Hi,

    It does not choke on the lenght, but on the fact that you have the same study twice with different Patient ID's. I guess you can add a script to get rid of the addition, that may help.



    ImportConverter0 = Data.PatientID = string.gsub(Data.PatientID, '%[.+%]', '')


  • Hi

    No the database is empty. I deleted all images, made a regen of MAG0 and then imported the study.

  • Hi,

    then both patientID's must be sent at the same time.

    **Refused to enter inconsistent link PatientID into DICOMStudies: PatientID = '1500851' StudyInsta = '', Old='1500851[Import-root-0110224007]', Refused='1500851'

    Really tests the database, so 1500851[Import-root-0110224007] is sent first, and 1500851 second.

    Still the script line should help.


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