Conquest 1.4.19c1 Web Server Error on loading the XML manifest from

  • Hello, Marcel.

    Please, help me.

    I installed xamp server, copied all need folder to server, copied weasis files. JRE 1.8 installed.

    So, when i press view button of some study in web panel of conquest in IE, .jnlp loads success, then start weasis, but i get the next error: "Error on loading the XML manifest from". And files for corresponding study don't download in weasis.

    So, I Check command argument ($dicom:get ) for weasis in .jnlp file and if it copy in browser i get xml file correct. But automatically from web panel conquest study not loading. Do you have any issues?

  • yes, of course

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!DOCTYPE jnlp PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc//DTD JNLP Descriptor 6.0//EN" "">

    <jnlp spec="1.6+" codebase="" href="">



    <vendor>Weasis Team</vendor>

    <description>DICOM images viewer</description>

    <description kind="short">An application to visualize and analyze DICOM images.</description>

    <description kind="one-line">DICOM images viewer</description>

    <description kind="tooltip">Weasis</description>



    <all-permissions />



    <!-- Requires Java SE 6 update 10 release for jnlp extension without codebase (substance.jnlp) -->

    <j2se version="1.6.0_10+" href="" initial-heap-size="128m" max-heap-size="512m" />

    <j2se version="1.6.0_10+" initial-heap-size="128m" max-heap-size="512m" />

    <jar href="" main="true" />

    <jar href="" />

    <!-- Optional library (Substance Look and feel, only since version 1.0.8). Requires the new Java Plug-in introduced in the Java SE 6 update 10 release.For previous JRE 6, substance.jnlp needs a static codebase URL -->

    <!-- Allows to get files in pack200 compression, only since Weasis 1.1.2 -->

    <property name="jnlp.packEnabled" value="true" />

    <!-- ================================================================================================================= -->

    <!-- Security Workaround. Add prefix "jnlp.weasis" for having a fully trusted application without signing jnlp (only since weasis 1.2.9), -->

    <!-- Required parameter. Define the location of (the OSGI configuration and the list of plug-ins to install/start) -->

    <property name="" value="" />

    <!-- Optional parameter. Define the location of (extend/override -->

    <property name="" value="" />

    <!-- Required parameter. Define the code base of Weasis for the JNLP -->

    <property name="jnlp.weasis.weasis.codebase.url" value="" />

    <!-- Optional parameter. Define the code base ext of Weasis for the JNLP -->

    <property name="jnlp.weasis.weasis.codebase.ext.url" value="" />

    <!-- Required parameter. OSGI console parameter -->

    <property name="jnlp.weasis.gosh.args" value="-sc telnetd -p 17179 start" />

    <!-- Optional parameter. Allows to have the Weasis menu bar in the top bar on Mac OS X (works only with the native Aqua look and feel) -->

    <property name="" value="true" />

    <!-- Optional parameter. Allows to get plug-ins translations -->

    <property name="jnlp.weasis.weasis.i18n" value="" />

    <!-- Optional Weasis Documentation -->

    <!-- <property name="" value="${cdb}/../weasis-doc" /> -->

    <!-- ================================================================================================================= -->


    <application-desc main-class="org.weasis.launcher.WebstartLauncher">

    <argument>$dicom:get -w…9099347868938805&dum=.xml</argument>



  • Hello, Marcel. I change dicom.ini in cgi-bin, so now i use weasis_starter, all ok, BUT:

    1. I'm not sure, but WadoTransferSyntaxUID="1.2.840.10008." must be in <Series> tag (such as in the past releases or in weasisstudyxml.lua), else weasis always use uncompressed mode, so may be need correct weasis_starter.

    <Patient PatientID="72600" PatientName="____________________________________" PatientSex="F">

    <Study StudyTime="090602.04144" ReferringPhysicianName="" AccessionNumber="9998000000009136" StudyInstanceUID="1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.839.1.109779686789265668069099347868938805" StudyID="" StudyDate="20181015" StudyDescription="">
    <Series SeriesNumber="4" SeriesDescription="" Modality="MG" SeriesInstanceUID="1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.839.2.106594289127071084398992639143521512">
    <Instance InstanceNumber="" WadoTransferSyntaxUID="1.2.840.10008." SOPInstanceUID="1.2.840.10008."/>


    <Series SeriesNumber="1" SeriesDescription="" Modality="MG" SeriesInstanceUID="1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.839.2.162987651609855627322597340844212180">
    <Instance InstanceNumber="" WadoTransferSyntaxUID="1.2.840.10008." SOPInstanceUID="1.2.840.10008."/>


    <Series SeriesNumber="2" SeriesDescription="" Modality="MG" SeriesInstanceUID="1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.839.2.725580140258827284489454857940963040">
    <Instance InstanceNumber="" WadoTransferSyntaxUID="1.2.840.10008." SOPInstanceUID="1.2.840.10008."/>


    <Series SeriesNumber="3" SeriesDescription="" Modality="MG" SeriesInstanceUID="1.2.826.0.1.3680043.8.839.2.940914230953344633023846305208816549">
    <Instance InstanceNumber="" WadoTransferSyntaxUID="1.2.840.10008." SOPInstanceUID="1.2.840.10008."/>




    2. From where script weasis_starter get the next params server_name and compression? When script creates .jnlp file in this my server_name is, but i need server_name is . (in dicom.ini WebScriptAddress =

    local xmlline = string.format([[<argument>$dicom:get -w "http://%s?mode=weasis_starter&parameter=xml&compress=%s&%s&dum=.xml"</argument>]],

    server_name..script_name, (compression or 'un'), level..'='..ident)

  • Hi,

    can you help test this out?

    The transfer syntax is set in line 325:

    if wt~='' then t.WadoTransferSyntaxUID = wt end

    You can move this to after line 319 as such to move it to the series level:

    if wt~='' then ser[k].WadoTransferSyntaxUID = wt end
    xmlopen('SERIES', tablify(ser[k]))

    The server is quoted 2 times (lines 140 and 262) as:


    You can change that to:

    gpps('webdefaults', 'WebScriptAddress', '')

    as follows:

    local xmlline = string.format([[<argument>$dicom:get -w "%s?mode=weasis_starter&parameter=xml&compress=%s&%s&dum=.xml"</argument>]],
    gpps('webdefaults', 'WebScriptAddress', ''), (compression or 'un'), level..'='..ident)


    xml[k] = string.gsub(v, 'baseUrl=".-"', 'baseUrl="'..gpps('webdefaults', 'WebScriptAddress', '')..'"')

    Can you give this a try?

    Thanks for your help!


  • Hi, Marcel!

    1. gpps('webdefaults', 'WebScriptAddress', '') works fine!

    2. Also this function needs to use in line 243: local compress = CGI('compression', 'un') replace with local compress = gpps('webdefaults', 'compress', ''), because compress always has value 'un', don't know why.

    3. It's doesn't work:

    if wt~='' then ser[k].WadoTransferSyntaxUID = wt end
    xmlopen('SERIES', tablify(ser[k])) 

    The next code works:

    for k=0, #ser-1 do
    local r = tablify(ser[k])
    if wt~='' then r.WadoTransferSyntaxUID = wt end
    r.WadoTransferSyntaxUID = wt
    xmlopen('SERIES', r)

    So, firstly need make tablify() function, and the next make xmlopen()

    Now all works fine! Thanks for your help. You are great man!

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