The server is not running properly: association rejected

  • Hi.
    I am running DICOM ConQuest 1.4.19b on Windows 7.
    Database is MySQL. I store patients data without compression.
    Everything was fine until I decided to delete patient data from GUI of DICOM ConQuest.
    After I press del patient data in GUI in Browse database tab, I start getting error message in Server status tab: Cannot Connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061). Cannot connect to MySQL on port 3306 in server status tab.
    In Browse Database tab I'm getting error message: Cannot open file "C:\Users\FF\AppData\Local\Temp\conquest_browser\DicomPatients.DBF". Cannot find specified file.
    Then after I close DICOM ConQuest and reopen it I get error mesage: The server is not running properly: association rejected. Probable cause: database is not accessible.
    After computer restart and starting of DICOM ConQuest GUI Server I am not getting error messages on startup. I can open Browse database tab and see list of patients in database.
    After I try to access to DICOM ConQuest from workstation I get warning message on workstation: Cannot Comply. And in Server Status tab of Dicom ConQuest I see error messages: Cannot Connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061).
    How can I fix this problem?
    Is the reinitializtation of database is the only way of fixing this.
    Thanks in advance,

  • Hi Anton,

    these messages are all consistent with some form of database corruption. Can you look with e.g. phpmyadmin to see what is in there?

    Edit: A quick test of delete series from the gui in 1.4.19b wih MySQL shows no issues. What exactly did you do?


  • Hi,
    I pressed Browse Database button. Then I found patient with patient ID 3970. Then I made right click of mouse button on this patient and pressed DELETE -> PATIENT. And then I saw all these error messages.
    I tired to make mysqldump of conquest database, but was getting error message: mysqldump: Could't execute 'SELECT /* 400001 SQL_NO_CACHE */ * FROM 'dicomimages': Lost connection to MySQL server during query (2013)'.
    I remarked that MySQL service was turnning off during executing of mysqldump command.
    Then I decided to make reinitialisation of database, and during these process I get error message Can't drop table dicomimages.
    Then I manuali delete conquest folder from C://Program Data/MySQL/Data. And then only I could successfully run process of reinitialisation of database.

  • I got the same thing after a fresh install on a brand new workstation.

    It appears to be looking for a path that doesn't exist: C:\Users\PACS\AppData\Local\Temp\conquest_browser\DicomPatients.DBF the only issue is that user does not exist on my workstation. Perhaps on the devs computer. I thnk that's the issue.

  • Hi,

    That path (C:\Users\PACS\AppData\Local\Temp\) is generated from the windows GetTempPath function. On my machine it would use iser 'marcel'. No idea why it would use a non-existing user.


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