Trucanted error

  • Dears ConquestDicom users,

    After installing and configuring ConquestDicom, it was working well so far but with some cases, I got this error:

    [CONQUEST] ***Truncated PatientBir from 10 to 8 chars in file: XX000013\
    [CONQUEST] ***Inconsistent PatientBir in DICOMStudies: PatientID = 'XX000013' StudyInsta = '1.2.840.113845.11.1000000001951524609.20120914084552.1487383', Old='Anonimiz', New='0010,003'
    [CONQUEST] ***Refused to enter inconsistent link PatientID into DICOMStudies: PatientID = 'XX000013' StudyInsta = '1.2.840.113845.11.1000000001951524609.20120914084552.1487383', Old='XX000002', Refused='XX000013'
    [CONQUEST] ***Error saving to SQL: XX000013\
    [CONQUEST] UPACS THREAD 13696: ENDED AT: Tue Dec 19 12:46:11 2017

    Could you help me to understand what is this error, please ?

    Thanks all,

  • Hi,

    1) the max length of items is set in the database definition, conforming to the DICOM standard. If it is longer the data is shortened (truncated) in the database. This does not indicate an error, although a date has to be 8 long (yyyymmdd). 2) The birthdate is checked for any patientID, if the birthdate is inconsistent a warning is created, one patient cannot be born on two dates. 3) If the same studyuid is used for two patientIDs the image cannot be stored. See "Why not change patientID in DICOM images". This is an error made by the anonymization software.

    So none of these indicate an error in conquest, just in the data.



  • Hi,

    Thank you for the explanation. How can I reset the database without re-installing ConquestDicom ? I'd like to check if the problem comes from duplicates of patients (don't worry, I am developing an application, so these are 'fake' patients).

  • Hi,

    clear makes the database empty.

    reinit makes it empty and then loads all images in the MAGDevice folder into it (can take a long time).

    Yes, a patient can have multiple studies, which can have multiple series per study. Modality is defined as the series level.


  • Hi,

    you can pretty much only get into this situation if you modify the patientID of an image. Most software would likely do this per series, so that may indeed be the best place to detect it. Of course conquest does detect it and rejects the image if it occurs, assuming the previously stored image is correct.


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