IT person new to conquest Dicom setup - guidance

  • Hello,
    First of all I have learned a lot off this forum and wanted to say thank you for this software and documentation.

    --the sad part

    I luckily got to take over our Dicom server as the last person who did it unexpectedly left and had no documentation.

    We were running 1.4.14 of the Conquest Dicom software. No one wanted to update it but now that we have found a need for more people to view the images I got assigned the task.

    --the help - my problems is while my job is "windows engineer" , I do a lot of similar functions as MYSQL (I use MSSQL) , IIS (instead of apache) some of this open source setup I am not understanding.

    I was able to get 1.4.19 installed just by copying over the files and it is working.

    The need now is being able to view the images via the web from this server. I have tried following the guides from the downloaded software (tried IIS and apache) , IIS I keep getting the dgate.exe wants to download , and when i try apache (disabling the IIS services) I get an error that I need to login but, sadly I can't figure out how to get past that.

    I am posting for guidance on what would like to be done - we have a Large amount of images (about 3.3 TB), the MYSQL database folder is at 91.9 gb and the staff would like to view the images via a web browser. The IT side of the house would also like to be able to delete incomplete scans for resubmissions from the PACS or Phillips software.
    Is it possible to do all this via a web browser (right now people just mount the share of the images and browse for their study , the IT side remotes to the server , opens the conquest software and deletes the patient form the application).

    I should note we only really have one server that is production but I have backups of the dicom folders and in my testing i've already had to restore the databases and conquest software.

    thanks for any help

  • Hi,

    I suggest to download and use 1.4.19b from the forum (rather than 1.4.19) because it has better web interface. The files in its webserver folder must just be copied to the cgi-bin in apache (I use xampp). IIS is horrible to setup for cgi-bin, so xampp is better.

    will bring you into the web interface. The dicom.ini file in cgi-bin\newweb can be set to point to your running server. There are no database incompatibilities between 1.4.14 and 1.4.19b, you can update all all files except dicom.sql (for safety).

    Good luck.


  • Hi,

    all the code for the web interface is in e.g. C:\xampp\cgi-bin\newweb with most commands run in listpatients.lua. If you find a way to protect this I would appreciate your feedback.


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