Conquest + DCM4CHE Compression Failing

  • Hi Marcel,r "

    We are using conquest 1.4.19 as a router that receives DICOM and sends it to our DCM4CHE server in the cloud.

    We are able to send images in a compressed format (j2..jk etc) but at DCM4CHE we are unable to view the images. The viewer throws us an error "no image reader available for transfer syntax 1.2.840.10008.1.2". Could you help us correct this issue? Is it an issue with the transfer syntax that conquest is using here and can it be corrected? It works well for uncompressed images (using "ul" etc.). I'm helping a rural centre and they need faster transmission of images.

    Thanks a lot!


  • Hi,

    what is the statement/method used to transmit the images? What is the log of conquest showing (possibly in debug log)?

    If I send from the gui to:

    CONQUESTSRV2 5679 j2

    I see in my log:Number of Images to send: 1
    Accepted compression: j2

    And images get compressed on the sending side/decompressed on the recieving side. I have no dcm4che running to test.


  • Hi Marcel,

    Below is the log when i try to use 1.4.19b. My DCM server receives it but I cannot open it from there.

    [JEEVAN] C-Move Destination: "DCM4CHEE "
    [JEEVAN] Number of images to send: 2
    [JEEVAN] Accepted compression: ui
    [JEEVAN] Sending file : C:\Users\Pc\Downloads\dicomserver1419b\distribution\Data\0009703828\
    [JEEVAN] Accepted compression: ui
    [JEEVAN] Sending file : C:\Users\Pc\Downloads\dicomserver1419b\distribution\Data\0009703828\
    [JEEVAN] C-Move (PatientRoot)
    [JEEVAN] UPACS THREAD 39: ENDED AT: Fri Oct 20 11:25:36 2017

    Where JEEVAN is my Conquest Local AE Title.

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