DCM files are not saved correct to server

  • Hi.
    I have little bit problem with using Conquest (1.4.17e) as WAD0. I have filenamesyntax 8 (files saved as dcm). If i use downloaded file (by WAD0) all viewers (ClearCanvas, DICOMPASS etc. fails to open it). ClearCanvas log
    2017-09-04 07:24:39,032 [9] WARN - No audit sink extensions found - Auditing will be disabled for the remainder of the session.
    2017-09-04 07:24:54,968 [10] ERROR - Unexpected error (NeedMoreData) when reading file at offset 216482: C:\Users\onderka\Downloads\
    2017-09-04 07:24:54,968 [10] ERROR - Exception thrown

    ClearCanvas.Dicom.DicomException: Unexpected failure (NeedMoreData) reading file at offset 216482: C:\Users\onderka\Downloads\
    at ClearCanvas.Dicom.DicomFile.LoadCore(Stream stream, DicomStreamOpener streamOpener, DicomTag stopTag, DicomReadOptions options)
    at ClearCanvas.Dicom.DicomFile.Load(DicomTag stopTag, DicomReadOptions options)
    at ClearCanvas.ImageViewer.StudyManagement.LocalSopDataSource.EnsureLoaded()
    at ClearCanvas.ImageViewer.StudyManagement.DicomMessageSopDataSource.Load()
    at ClearCanvas.ImageViewer.StudyManagement.DicomMessageSopDataSource.get_Item(UInt32 tag)
    at ClearCanvas.ImageViewer.StudyManagement.SopDataSource.get_SopClassUid()
    at ClearCanvas.ImageViewer.StudyManagement.StandardSopDataSource.get_IsImage()
    at ClearCanvas.ImageViewer.StudyManagement.Sop.Create(ISopDataSource dataSource)
    at ClearCanvas.ImageViewer.ImageViewerComponent.LocalSopLoader.LoadSop(String file)
    2017-09-04 07:24:55,010 [1] ERROR - Exception thrown

    ClearCanvas.ImageViewer.LoadSopsException: 1 of 1 sops have failed to load.
    at ClearCanvas.ImageViewer.ImageViewerComponent.LocalSopLoader.Load(String[] files, IDesktopWindow desktop, Boolean& cancelled)
    at ClearCanvas.ImageViewer.ImageViewerComponent.LoadImages(String[] files, IDesktopWindow desktop, Boolean& cancelled)
    at ClearCanvas.ImageViewer.StudyManagement.OpenFilesHelper.LoadAndOpenFiles()

    It seems that dicom image is corrupted (try use many types of modalities) and all of them are wrong.
    If I transfer images by DICOM protocol to viewer everything is all right.
    Thanks Milan

  • Hi there was mistake in dgate.dic
    wrong is
    (0028,0120) VERS="4" VR="US/SS" VM="1" Keyword="ixelPaddingValue" Name="Pixel Padding Value"

    correct is
    (0028,0120) VERS="4" VR="US/SS" VM="1" Keyword="PixelPaddingValue" Name="Pixel Padding Value"

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