Modify Patient ID from command line

  • Hello,

    Looking through the dgate commands in the Conquest manual I see modifypatid:patid,file. Could you give me an example of the syntax for this. Does "file" refer to the path to the study as stored on the hard drive?

    Thank you

  • Hi,

    dgate64 "--modifier:0009703828,,,,1,lua ""script('newuids');Data.PatientID='9703828'""

    is the newest style. It runs an importconverter (lua "") on a selection of images, here all of 0009703828


  • Hi,

    Here are more examples.

    Sintaxis: --modifystudy:patientid,studyid,script

    PatientID -> ./dgate --modifystudy:1122334-4,81617,"set 0010,0020 to \"1122334-4\"; "
    PatientName -> ./dgate --modifystudy:1122334-4,81617,"set 0010,0010 to \"JHON^REDS\"; "
    PatientSex -> ./dgate --modifystudy:1122334-4,81617,"set 0010,0040 to \"M\"; "
    PatientBirthDate -> ./dgate --modifystudy:1122334-4,81617,"set 0010,0030 to \""19620323\"; "
    AccessionNumber -> ./dgate --modifystudy:1122334-4,81617,"set 0008,0050 to \"77777\"; "
    StudyDate -> ./dgate --modifystudy:1122334-4,81617,"set 0008,0020 to \"20160920\"; "
    StudyTime -> ./dgate --modifystudy:1122334-4,81617,"set 0008,0030 to \"133000\"; "
    StudyDescription -> ./dgate --modifystudy:1122334-4,81617,"set 0008,1030 to \"RX Abdomen\"; "
    ReferPhysician -> ./dgate --modifystudy:1122334-4,81617,"set 0008,0090 to \"ReferPhysician\"; "
    Modality -> ./dgate --modifystudy:1122334-4,81617,"set 0008,0060 to \"CR\"; "



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