Is it possible to use ConQuest in replacement for KPServer

  • Hello,
    I am a vet and I use KPacs to view my XRay and Ultrasound on Windows PC.
    I used KPServer to listen to port 104 and save the DICOM File on my network.
    I managed to make it work under windows 7 but I now had a change of computers and I cannot under Windows 10.
    So I wonder if I can use conquest but beeing a beginner (and french ...), I need help.
    Thanks for advices.

  • Thanks for your answer.
    First I can tell that Kpacs is working on windows 10.
    I manage to use KPserver on a windows 7 machine but changing the machine I don't succeed anymore.

    So I may try conquest as server (and even as viewer), but I need help for config because I don't understand exactly what I need to do.
    Is there any "tutorial for noob" :-) ?

  • Hi,

    you can stop the kpacs server, then change conquest's port to 104 and restart conquest. Conquest should then happily recieve what kpacs received before. As conquest does not install anything, you can try it out temporarily. If kpacs server still runs, conquest would fail to start at port 104.


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