Export Convertes (again) - DICOM routing

  • Hi

    I want a simple routing:

    Everything that comes from AET: SOURCE, is send to AET: PACS and is modality CT should be forwarded to AET: DESTINATION.

    My export converter works, however images are forwarded instantly instead of "by series" as specified in DICOM ini and I want a delay of at least 60s.

    So what did I miss with my setup?

    Here is the export converter:

    ExportConverters = 1ExportModality0 = CTExportCalledAE0 = PACSExportCallingAE0 = SOURCEExportConverter0 = forward compressed as jk to DESTINATION

    DICOM ini:

  • You might need to use forward series instead of just forward, however I'm not sure that "forward series compressed as jk to DESTINATION" is valid syntax (manual is unclear - I didn't actually try). You might need to just "forward series to DESTINATION" and set up the destination's preferred syntax as jk (in the ACRNEMA.MAP file). If you want different compression levels, you might have to build multiple destinations in ACRNEMA.MAP.

  • Quote from joelspangler

    You might need to use forward series instead of just forward, however I'm not sure that "forward series compressed as jk to DESTINATION" is valid syntax (manual is unclear - I didn't actually try). You might need to just "forward series to DESTINATION" and set up the destination's preferred syntax as jk (in the ACRNEMA.MAP file). If you want different compression levels, you might have to build multiple destinations in ACRNEMA.MAP.

    I thought that the "package selection" for forwarding is "ForwardAssociationLevel = SERIES" - meaning that only whole/complete series will be transfered. Mhh might be wrong assumption

  • Ok

    Just gave it a try and the result is little weired.

    When I use:

    ExportModality0 = CTExportCalledAE0 = PACSExportCallingAE0 = SOURCEExportConverter0 = forward compressed as jk to DESTINATION

    I get instant forwarding - output serverlog:

    02.06.2015 20:18:28 [PACS] Rewritten file: C:\0-pacstest\pacs-2\data\20075150\1.2.392.200036.9116. 20:18:28 [PACS] ExportConverter0.0: forward C:\0-pacstest\pacs-2\data\20075150\1.2.392.200036.9116. to DEST02.06.2015 20:18:28 [PACS] Accepted compression: jk02.06.2015 20:18:28 [PACS] ExportConverter0.0: forward C:\0-pacstest\pacs-2\data\20075150\1.2.392.200036.9116. to DEST02.06.2015 20:18:28 [PACS] Accepted compression: jk02.06.2015 20:18:28 [PACS] ExportConverter0.0: forward C:\0-pacstest\pacs-2\data\20075150\1.2.392.200036.9116. to DEST02.06.2015 20:18:28 [PACS] Accepted compression: jk02.06.2015 20:18:28 [PACS] ExportConverter0.0: forward C:\0-pacstest\pacs-2\data\20075150\1.2.392.200036.9116. to DEST02.06.2015 20:18:28 [PACS] Accepted compression: jk

    When I use:

    ExportModality0 = CTExportCalledAE0 = PACSExportCallingAE0 = SOURCEExportConverter0 = forward series compressed as jk to DESTINATION

    It waits until all data is received from SOURCE and the starts sending to DESTINATION series by series per association - so it is not sending images instantly and neither starts sending after 1st series is received!?

    And the most strange part is that there no word of "ExportConverter0" in the log while receiving and forwarding !?

    :mrgreen: - total confusion

    Looks like this - excerpt of last receiving and 1st beginning sending lines:

  • When forwarding as a series or study, it waits for the entire study to be received before sending it out. Since conquest can't know for sure that there won't be any additional images, it waits a specified period of time. By default, the wait is 10 minutes and can be changed with ForwardCollectDelay in the .ini file.

  • Ok, that explains why Conquest waits until the study seems to be received completely.
    However I am still wondering why there is nor entry of "ExportConverter0W in the log when sending it later on.

    My setting was:
    ForwardCollectDelay = 10

    I now set it to 30 and Conquest waits longer, but nowhere near 30s more like 20s - strange but I could life with that.

  • Hi,

    "forward to" or "forward compressed as XX to" are always immediate (apart from the defer mechansim that lets you retry the send later). The delays that you setup are to keep the connection open wherever appropriate.

    The only delayed option is "forward series xxx etc". Indeed the logging of the latter option might be suboptimal.

    Thanks for the help, joel!



  • Hi

    Can I also select multiple Calling AE's seperated by ";" like this in one ExportConverter / Rule:

    ExportConverters = 1
    ExportModality0 = CT
    ExportCalledAE0 = PACS
    ExportCallingAE0 = SOURCE; SOURCE2
    ExportConverter0 = forward compressed as jk to DESTINATION
  • Hi!

    I have another question regarding export converters. My forwarding per series works just fine when either the data is received via DICOM network or per drag and drop to the GUI.

    However it somehow does not work if I copy the DICOM files to the \data\incoming\ folder - is that actually supported?

    The reason I am asking this is to create a "fail save, last resort" CD/DVD importer (i.e. if no DICOMDIR is available) - I want to use a batch script to copy all the DVD content to the "incoming" folder so that Conquest the reads the DICOM complaint files and the forwards them to our PACS.

  • Hi

    No it is not working with incoming folder, but with drag-n-drop it is fine. I can remember it was working once before, and as far as I can recall I did not change anything - just did not have any time recently to continue testing on my routing.

    Today I tried v.17d and .17e

    dicom.ini :

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