Replicating Varian Velocity PACS

  • Hi,

    I'm working on a project where I need to connect to multiple systems including Varian Medical's Velocity software. I have been using
    ConQuest as our development PACS and the Grassroots DICOM library to write our application. We have discovered that Velocity does not
    support image level keys (eImage query level in Grassroots parlance) and as we do not have easy access to a Velocity system I would
    like to ask if it is be possible to mimic this behaviour using ConQuest, that is can I disable image level keys in ConQuest?

    Any help would be much appreciated.


  • Hi Paul,

    you can wite a query importconverter to delete teh image levels keys to replicate the behavior. Of course, if you use SERIES level, image level elements are ignored by default.

    Try e.g., this:

    QueryConverter0 = Data.ImageInstanceUID = nil; Data.ImageDescription = nil;

    I hope you get the idea.


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